Top 12 Alliance Discussion's


I look at it and find that NaT is on top with Average Points.


Had some time so thought i would post my take on the top 12.

Below is purely my opinion with data collected from and

1 Noxious Rising
Members: 58
Cities: 801
Avg Point per member: 143,644
ABP: 2,236,508 (1st)
Comment: No comment as im biased :)

2 Cerberus
Members: 87
Cities: 676
Avg Point per member: 71,975
ABP: 819,536 (6th)
Comment: They are spread across the frontline of NaTaRaJa which is testement to the number of cities they have lost to them. They are however picking up some The Grey Ghosts cities so it appears they are fighting on two fronts and taking on the easier option of The Grey Ghosts. They have about 12 members that show no growth which are either in Vac mode or inactive so proably need to clean up a bit or (cough) just building troops :). They have 3 members in the top 12 players. I imagine they will hold their position in the top 12 for awhile yet but need to stop the flow of cities to NaTaRaJa. Cerberus have quite a low ABP for a second placed alliance?

3 The Grey Ghosts
Members: 89
Cities: 632
Avg Point per member: 65,827
ABP: 1,036,375 (4th)
Comment: TGG seems to be everyone's favourite punching bag at the moment and are taking hits from Cerberus, Black Rising and now Noxious Rising with Phoenix Elite coming in for a couple of hits over the top :). They are managing to keep their head above water by conquering internals and other inactives. They did manage to take a Phoenix Elite city recently and it one bright spark took 3 cities within a couple of hours off a Black Rising member. They are finding themselves boxed though and fighting on 3 fronts. They also need to clean up with 13 players flatlined. They have one member in the top 12 player although he is flatlined and probably in vac mode. I expect TGG to continue to fall down the ranks as they get hammered on multiple fronts.

Members: 138
Cities: 651
Avg Point per member: 38,590
ABP: 472,099 (9th)
Comment: With 138 members and such a wide dispersal of cities across the world you would have to look at RME as a MRA. They have a very low ABP and avg points per member with 41 of their members under 100 ABP including 21 on zero. They do have the top player of the world but that is mainly due to the massive 312K DPB he has. They appear to be fighting Noxious Rising, Greek Warfare, NaTaRaJa and The 24th Legion to name a few who have all taken cities off them recently. With such a wide dispersion of cities they will find it difficult to defend and their members will be picked off one by one. I would expect them to slide in the rankings as inactives take hold as i dont think they can sustain that number of members effectively.

5 NaTaRaJa
Members: 28
Cities: 478
Avg Point per member: 175,694
ABP: 1,342,296 (2nd)
Comment: Very tight group of players that have proven themselves time and again. Although they sit 5th in the ranking they are 2nd in ABP which shows their true level of strength and coordination and have the highest avg points per player. Situated in a tight group they are well positioned to defend and coordinate with each other. Providing they can keep the interest of their members and not fall to inactives they are not going anywhere and will go from strength to strength.

6 Spartan Phalanx Elite
Members: 84
Cities: 425
Avg Point per member: 43,528
ABP: 750,416 (7th)
Comment: SPE are situated in almost 3 seperate satellite groups across the would which will make it impossible to coordinated between them due to the travel distance. For a top 12 alliance they have quite a low avg points per member however they have very few members that are flatlined. Apart from Lords of Anarchy that basically surround one of their sattellites they dont seem to have any major predators.I think they are probably doomed to fail because they have 3 dispersed groups and also have Spartan and Elite in their name :)

7 Greek Warfare
Members: 39
Cities: 373
Avg Point per member: 89,155
ABP: 985,310 (5th)
Comment: I think GW are the dark horse of the bunch and have shown they can pack a punch and have a respectable ABP for their size. They need to stop conquering internals though 10 out of their last 18 and concentrate on taking out active players. They are in a relativley tight group to the north of the world so providing they dont get plaqued with inactives they should be around for awhile.

8 The 24th Legion
Members: 47
Cities: 332
Avg Point per member: 63,964
ABP: 490,886 (8th)
Comment: Situated in the NW of the world they are in a tight group. For a rim alliance they are not doing to bad although they did conquer a Noxious Rising city...tut...tut :p They dont seem to be focusing on any particular enemy at the moment and are probably still finding their direction. They have reasonable activity from their members and all but 2 have some ABP on the board.

9 Lords of Anarchy
Members: 110
Cities: 402
Avg Point per member: 25,664
ABP: 276,215 (12th)
Comment: LoA are very widley dispersed around the rim of the world. They appear to be fighting Spartan Phalanx Elite and are picking up a couple of their cities. They will have real trouble being so disperesed in the future as they will not be able to effectivelly defend or coordinate attacks. With 110 members i think they will struggle to maintain coordination between them all. They will need a number of good leaders located in their isolated pockets if it is to work at all. They do have a number of members with zero ABP so they need to get out and kill something :). One of their members (not mentioning any names) in fact has 4 cities with zero ABP and zero DBP so must be running festivals or OG's lol I expect they will have to cull their members and concentrate on a couple of core oceans if they are to survive.

10 Ocean 43
Members: 33
Cities: 255
Avg Point per member: 76,585
ABP: 343,460 (11th)
Comment: Ocean 43 has a tight group situated amazingly in O43 and spreading to neighbouring oceans. Their avg points per member is not bad considering some of the allainces ranked above them. There doesnt appear to be a major enemy to them and they are picking off cities from couple of alliances so no doubt there will be some action to come. The majority of their members have some kills on the board with only a couple to get off the mark. O43 have atleast recruited wisley and concentrated on a single ocean at a time :) I imagine they will continue to grow providing they can keep the interest of their members.

Members: 80
Cities: 299
Avg Point per member: 25,967
ABP: 268,903 (13th)
Comment: United seem to me to be the splatter gun alliance of the world with members across about 21 different oceans. They cannot hope to maintain such a wide dispersion of cities and should concentrate on O27/ 37 where their biggest concentration is and get rid of the rest. They have swapped a few cities with Spartan Phalanx Elite however I think SPE will come out on top in the end due to the dispersed nature of United. A lesson here for all would be alliance leaders, dont recruit across so many different oceans as its impossible to maintain and coordinate. They also have a couple of members with 0 cities still in their member list so their leadership really isnt on the ball :p. I doubt they will be in the top 12 for to long.

12 Phoenix Elite
Members: 93
Cities: 280
Avg Point per member: 21,070
ABP: 240,154 (14th)
Comment: Situated mainly in O85 and neighbouring oceans they need to cut away those random isolated members they have recruited and concentrate on their core. They have swapped a couple of cities with The Grey Ghosts and should probably be prepared as they will be seen as the soft direction for TGG to head. They have a number of members that really need to get out their and blood their swords. They do have a low avg point per player but they are a rim alliance afterall. They have probably only ended up in the top 12 due to others merging or disbanding. I imagine they will be around for awhile and then merge into someone else :)


Great summary Baron, Though i must say LoA has basically defeated SPE due to there merge into Cerberus


Best summary I think I've ever seen, info wise. Good coments in there to. + rep



I rarely look in the Mu forum as it was always a bit weak.

But that is a sterling write up Cap'n and Im not just saying that cos Im biased, its genuinely good and informative and reflects the things I look at when Im evaluating the stats.



No one else wants to do one now, pretty hard to follow that one baron :p


lol, yeh seems that way. Maybe i set the benchmark a bit to high LoL


:pro:Wonderful top twelve, but SPE has not been around for over a month, and UNITED merged into LOA, and is now their academy. So while the facts were all true they were in fact old facts. Never the less a great top 12 summary look forward to the next one with the updated facts. :pro:


umm well considering i did the post 25/7 the facts were correct at the time so maybe check the date next time :p


Yes my mistake I am sorry for that!!! Realized it just now:eek:. I cannot wait until the next installment though since alot has changed since then. Excellent job once again sorry for the error :)


Guess I will have to update it as it seems no one else is game to :p

1 Cerberus (+1)
Members: 118 (+31)
Cities: 1008 (+332)
Avg Point per member: 81,424 (+9449)
ABP: 1,076,583 (6th) (+257,047)
Comment: After the merge with Spartan Phalanx Elite Cerberus are now concentrated in the SW of the world with a satellite group in the NE which are to far away to contribute to the main group. Leadership needs to clean up their member list with many that are flatlined. NaTaRaJa are still taking their cities without any resistance and have taken 15 of their cities since the last report without any response. They are loosing some of their members latley to other alliances such as The Chosen Elite so there may be some unrest with the members. They are the first alliacne to crack 1000 cities so well done for that :)

2 Noxious Rising (-1)
Members: 62 (+4)
Cities: 916 (+115)
Avg Point per member: 154,113 (+10,469)
ABP: 2,633,617 (1st) (+397,109)
Comment: They are really really good :) but seriously they ARE really good.....

Members: 135 (-3)
Cities: 812 (+161)
Avg Point per member: 51,569 (+12,979)
ABP: 654,979 (7th) (+182,880)
Comment: Well what to say about RME? With members spanning across 28 different oceans they have recently taken on members from The Eastern Empire, why anymore would choose to be part of RME im not sure.
Maybe their insurance benefits are good :p. Their cities are slowly getting picked off by Greek Warfare, NaTaRaJa, The 24th Legion and Noxious Rising which just shows how spread their cities are loosing 44 cities since the last report. Even though they have the top player in the world that will not stop their continued loss of cities. They to are not fighting back against any of the alliances against them or if they are its not effective.

4 The Grey Ghosts (-1)
Members: 63 (-26)
Cities: 593 (-39)
Avg Point per member: 92,468 (+26,641)
ABP: 1,237,216 (5th) (+200,841)
Comment: The Grey Ghosts have gone through some consolidation dropping 26 members since last report. Its good to see they are not afraid to kick their inactives or members providing no capability. Situated in the sothern part of the world and moving east they are still blocked in by Cerberus, Noxious Rising and are limited which direction they can grow. They are still loosing cities to Noxious Rising however in one bright spark of activity they sent 5 CS attempts against a single NR player. Unfortunatley they lost them all :(

5 NaTaRaJa (=)
Members: 29 (+1)
Cities: 549 (+71)
Avg Point per member: 197,538 (+21,844)
ABP: 1,544,497 (2nd) (+202,201)
Comment: No change here, still the tightest group of players in the world. They have not lost a city since 25/04 and continue to take cites from whichever alliance they choose. It appears everyone is to scared to take them on.

6 Greek Warfare (+1)
Members: 40 (-1)
Cities: 432 (+59)
Avg Point per member: 102,904 (+13,749)
ABP: 1,266,695 (4th) (+281,385)
Comment: Greek Warfare are holding their own and have shown some promise in taking 23 of RME cities since the last report. Its good to see they have stopped taking internals and focusing on the enemy :) They have had stable membership with only increasing their numbers by 1. Situated in the north of the world they dont really have any major resistance.

7 Lords of Anarchy (+2)
Members: 119 (+9)
Cities: 499 (+97)
Avg Point per member: 31,612 (+5948)
ABP: 381,300 (11th) (+105,085)
Comment: After the merge of UNITED into LoA they continue to be spread around the western rim of the world. With their top player flat lined they may be struggling for some capability. They need to focus on taking active players and stop conquering internals especially when some of the ones they are taking are 3k cities which is a waist of CP.

8 The 24th Legion (=)
Members: 42 (-5)
Cities: 358 (+26)
Avg Point per member: 80,899 (+16,935)
ABP: 606,449 (8th) (+115,563)
Comment: 24th Legion has contirbuted to taking RME cities but havent been involved in much more. They have lost a number of larger members to Greek Warfare which shows some problems in the management of the alliance. Situated in the western rim of the world they are starting to come up against Noxious Rising so will be interesting to see how that plays out

9 Ocean 43 (-1)
Members: 35 (+2)
Cities: 283 (+28)
Avg Point per member: 82,233 (+5648)
ABP: 448,706 (10th) (+105,246)
Comment: With only 35 members they are not doing to bad holding their position in the top 12. Its good to see they are not afraid to go up against larger alliances taking som cities off LoA and Greek Warfare. I think they will be one to continue watching as they are positioned in the center of Greek Warfare.

10 Never Down (NEW)
Members: 119
Cities: 336
Avg Point per member: 19,932
ABP: 178,425 (15th)
Comment: Spread across about 35 different oceans, whoever has invite rights should have them taken away :). They have taken a few cities off Memento Mori (who??) but really dont stand a chance given their wide dispersion. Given their spread number of members and low avg points etc they are a classic MRA and obviously run by first time leaders.

11 Phoenix Elite (+1)
Members: 96 (+3)
Cities: 303 (+23)
Avg Point per member: 24,013 (+2943)
ABP: 317,880 (13th) (+77,726)
Comment: Situated in the eastern rim of the world they havent been involved in any major activity but for them to grow they are going to have to go through NR so that should be interesting. They have had very slow growth since the last report and need to pick up there game if they want to rise any higher in the ranking.

12 The Chosen Elite (NEW)
Members: 44
Cities: 246
Avg Point per member: 45,864
ABP: 207,204 (14th)
Comment: Situated in the south off the world it seems they are the alliance to run to if you have had enough of the one you are in picking up members from LoA, Cerberus and UNITED. They are yet to be tested and should have some fun times ahead. It looks like they might be PACT with Cerberus given they are on each others door step and havent conquered any cities or they are just scared to take them on. Either way this will limit their grown if they dont do something about it :)
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We are currently at war with the Grey Ghosts, although we have only managed to take three of their cities. We have also started actions against LOA in ocean 37. We have made a base ocean 48, and are spreading from there. Every solid house has to have a strong foundation in order to stand strong. The Chosen Elite!!


Just want to make a rectification, Ocean 43 took cities from Leucadendron54 after he joined our alliance. We are allies and that was just one city! So no war beetween us. Just wanted to say this so people don't get the ideal we're in the giving cities away easily business. Have a good day guys!


Leucadendron54 sure is jumping around alot!! He went from LOA to NR back to LOA now he is with Greek Warfare that seems off if you me!:rolleyes::heh:


Leuca has been around for a while and wanted him to join us back when I was part of The Forgotten, but we've always kept in touch and now he's joined GW for good. I hope! ;)