Newspaper Top 12 BP Alliances

  • Thread starter Shahanshah Alexander
  • Start date


Just read all my post from the start and you will see that everything is going by the plan we made.All of you laughed at me at the start when i publicly announced war to all one is laughing now...i wonder why :p


are you serious man. thats why you downgrading your cities... too make them less lucrative for TS.

hmm, my cities is better then half of your alliance cities. I downgraded some buildings to make room for more troops. My cities are between 7 and 8k so relax and try to take noob.


Just read all my post from the start and you will see that everything is going by the plan we made.All of you laughed at me at the start when i publicly announced war to all one is laughing now...i wonder why :p

Once a noob always a noob. i guess i'll grow old before i see a single attack from you.


=I downgraded some buildings to make room for more troops.=
Please, that's just plain nonsense sir. A level 40 farm in itself has is 2445 points, and you have cities in the 1k range.
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i guess TS is just not equipped to attack active players all they can eat is semi active or dead accounts.


Please, that's just plain bs sir. A level 40 farm in itself has is 2445 points, and you have cities in the 1k range.

NOOB use some tools to see what towns i took lately. You are embarrassing yourself.


Your cities have nothing to do with Top 12 BP alliances, so please if you another threat and post how great player you are and how bad TS is and stop spamming this.Thank you in advance


hmm, my cities is better then half of your alliance cities. I downgraded some buildings to make room for more troops. My cities are between 7 and 8k so relax and try to take noob.

yr time will come.. and i show you who is a noob.


@Alek: Against me they have been coordinating, but it didn't do much. :) Still, I agree, the huge size doesn't meet the expectations.

I just have this to say,

Ba da bum bum bum,
Another one bites the dust

Ba da bum bum bum
Another one bites the dust

Aaaand another one gone
aand another one gone

Another one bites the dust

Hey..i'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust sing it!

bum bum bum
Another one bites the dust

Ba da bum bum bum
Another one bites the dust



Hah, would've been quite a bit funnier if I wasn't banned in the process, wouldn't it? :)


Would have been just the same, All your troops were still there buddy lol, and of course your little buddies hahaha

But thats it now all done, moving on. :p


It was awesome how you took all those cities from a defenseless player. I was impressed the other day with your massive OP, but this was very un-classy.


Blah blah blah

Defenseless hah! about 5k just myself is hardly defenseless, shall i post the reports?

What's unclassy is keeping cheaters in your alliance! Shows the standards of . 9 . i guess.




Orphaeon made a mistake and was punished for it. If I were on your side, I would have taken advantage of that too. I wouldn't have dreamed, however, that anyone would have been so opportunistic to take every single city from a player that cannot log into his account to fight back. What this boils down to is losing all cities due to a stupid, innocent, mistake.

I won't argue with you Ausrit because I know you are only capable of seeing one side of any argument. Enjoy your 'victory'. I'm sure you and your alliance are very proud.


Infact, it was you yourself Temujin who said to me a few weeks ago "Please can you tell me if you see any banned players, we hope to play fair and they will not be tolerated in here" due to all the Multi accounters you had from (Guess Who) Orph's old Alliance and now look, he gets banned for Multi Accounting but wait...standards change

Yep, no point in arguing mate, i can do it all day long, you guys took heavy loss today and thats part of the game, but guess what an attackable ban (which clearly this was) is also part of the game like it or not and it is there to serve a purpose, to teach what happens when you try to multi account!

Just because we continued attacking when perhaps realized doesn't make us low or un-classy, we had it planned anyway, It Orph's fault he got himself banned. Do you really think anybody in their right mind is going to say "Wait team, he must be banned, we all must stop now". C'mon be serious again Its his fault he got himself banned nobody else's

Btw, I just got a 10k city course i'm proud, Bad researches i that academy but i'll sort it no probs



i was the one who put the plan together to rim him while he was on the ban. i will admit it isnt the most noble thing i have ever drawn up but i still think it was the right thing to do.
you have to take advantage of every situation, and something like this was too good to pass up.
not just for the cities, the more important thing was to kill off a huge percentage of your alliance defense as you were defending blind and putting troops in cities with no walls. that has weakened your alliance overall, well its weakened the few playes that actually send support to their allies


If a player is banned for cheating and their cities are attackable they are fair game.

What would have been smart, is as his own alliance would have been the first to know that he was banned, if his cities had been worthwhile they would have taken them themselves. For another alliance to take the cities from a banned player before his own alliance can is just bad disorganisation on their part.