Top 12 Top 12 Helio


even tho i can agree with most, them feeding on easy cities wont end soon.. that coalition still has loads of cities..
Unfortunately that’s true & that’s the only reason they will thrive as much as they have, and they will continue to do so... (not that they are bad players by any means, I just think they have been presented with something so great it would be damn near impossible to truly crush them lol & with that, taking an early lead using the help of two other alliances, against cities that are far from our core is nothing to brag about...


I mean BWN suck just a big MRA that hug and do nothing else.
TP is awesome, Thier FL players are so good they've invented new techniques like backsniping with DLU...
You keep talking trash and we'll keep on taking cities.
3-0 to BWN
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For those of you confused: 50 members= respectable alliance. 50+ members, or allies= hugging.
Again: 50= fighters. 50+=hugging

You can call us huggers if it makes you feel better inside, I don't really care. But Lets break this fighter's claim down.

On 3 TP sieges TP has maybe 7 people who sent meaningful things and maybe 17 total contributing anything at all.

On 3 TP sieges, BWN/GWN + Llamas has been getting near full participation. While running other sieges that also sometimes get contested.

Having only 50 people doesn't mean much if not even half of those 50 are doing anything. The number of players doesn't magically make you a good fighting team. Nor does opting to come down to fight us. The only thing that matters is the effort that's put in. And the only reason you're here being mad is because after chucking the kitchen sink at our siege last night, you're realizing fighting is isn't going to be easy for you and isn't going to play out the way you had hoped.


I mean BWN suck just a big MRA that hug and do nothing else.
TP is awesome, Thier Fl players are so good they've invented new techniques like backsniping with DLU...
You keep talking trash and we'll keep on taking cities.
3-0 to BWN
i killed a siege in your core with dlu
you find a bad reason to reply just learn you as a player to send better support next time
is just start of the world dont take so seriously


i killed a siege in your core with dlu
you find a bad reason to reply just learn you as a player to send better support next time
is just start of the world dont take so seriously

How'd sniping with DLU work out for you today? ;)


Fine I'll bite. How'd it feel losing all those LS and myths
given we have lost very little, if any, troops at a bad ratio, how did you like losing all those birs and dlu? oh wait, was it your troops or llamas troops that we killed? that's right, you can't fight your own battles...


when did taking an enemy city in your own core, that they didn't even fight for, become something to brag about? lol

Dunno when did coming down to fight us and getting rolled become something to brag about?

Nice siege break attempt today btw. I guess you've lost more than you'd like to admit based on the reports. :)

was not a dlu city i took that city 2days ago was mixed

No it was DLU...had a wall too.


given we have lost very little, if any, troops at a bad ratio, how did you like losing all those birs and dlu? oh wait, was it your troops or llamas troops that we killed? that's right, you can't fight your own battles...
If you guys are playing excuses bingo you've almost won!! You've nearly used them all lmao


TP Yesterday: You can't take a city without Llamas!

TP Today: Oh yeah? Well you can't take a city from us outside of your core.

TP In Less Than 8 Hours (after losing city outside of our core): Oh yeah? Well you can't take a city from us on a Tuesday in March when it's 70 degrees out but still snowing.

you aint no wizard man to make it snow


If the only thing on TV was 5 mentally challenged people standing in a circle and taking turns smacking each other in the face would you watch it or would you turn it off and find something productive to do with your time?

I for one do not plan on finding anything productive to do with my time.

Carry on with the pissing match please.