Looks like ahr-ex and james are having a lovers tiff
Nothing short of complete lock step for three years now
Looks like ahr-ex and james are having a lovers tiff
You should totally join dood, could learn a couple things
Nothing short of complete lock step for three years now
Nah id prefer not to learn how to try at winning many times but lose everytime theory lol plus no one can fight as much as you guys, your special
Theres lots of different ways to win. And even more ways to lose.Nope but your missing the point. I don't play to win anymore, you on the other hand do (and fail)
Lol not sure whats worse, grepo mafia toadie or perennial loser....
Death to the Grepo Mafia
Justice for James
True Fear for the Crown!
I know exactly which one is worse so let me clue you in: "Yes" men are worse, water carriers, stooges and hangers on...those players that just gotta gotta gotta have those easy "wins" you are all so very proud of. Diamond Crowns indeed!
Oh I've watched you, Ranga, following them around from place to place, always eating their scraps. Chrome Angels...Ha! You stink like the grepo mafia and you are no better than me or anyone else here, no matter how snotty you talk.
This isn't a war I'm fighting friends. This is a crusade to make grepo a better place, a place like it used to be when I first started playing. All we have to do is cut the giant, bloated and black tumor out of the heart of it. The golding and the gaming of the system and the huge coalitions...Im sick of it and I know many of you are too. It can all be traced right back here to the grepo mafia and its time for them to be removed.
This server would have had exactly the same tired script if not for the mighty warriors of True Fear. Every single team would still be holding hands and shaking in their boots lest they get attacked...or at very best two giant coalitions artlessly banging away at each other. I'm just completely and totally fed up with it and I know I'm not the only one. Contact me if you want to know how to help finally bring balance back to this game.
The Grepo Mafia Must Fall.
Do you realise the last time i played with this so called grepo mafia was with you James? But i wouldnt expect someone like you to do any actual research to get the full picture on a theory. You know what they say about assumptions James.
They make you look stupid
Nope but your missing the point. I don't play to win anymore, you on the other hand do (and fail)
He said near them, not with them.
How exactly does "I stopped playing to win" make you a better better person? That just makes you just like all the other so-called old school grep legends. Are we supposed to believe that you could win anytime... if you really wanted to?
I don't play for a crown either. WW is a stupid way to choose a winner in in what's supposed to be a war game. I have declined many of them, and I hope I never have one.
are you really trying to say just because im near them (2 oceans away) im this grepo mafia? lol Surely thats you trying to crack a funny? I dropped in this world in the north east, because thats what i always do, because thats where Chrome Angels started in en23. "The Mafia" hadnt even formed then
How exactly does one come to the conclusion im talking about my character when i refer to James' losing ability?
James keeps talking about this grepo mafia, Im as much grepo mafia as you guys are You are pacting/merging/DNA as much as possible, I hate that sort of play, which is why I dont do it. You guys on the other hand talk about not doing it but then do it anyway
WW is a stupid way to choose a winner, which is why I dont participate. Yet you hate it but still do it, why????
Do you realise the last time i played with this so called grepo mafia was with you James? But i wouldnt expect someone like you to do any actual research to get the full picture on a theory. You know what they say about assumptions James.
They make you look stupid
Maybe it isnt?