Top 12 Top whatever-number-you-want


I'm not surprised, there is a limit on how many Golded nukes one can take.

Double edged sword, on 1 hand big spenders keep the game running and on the other excessive use drives players away to either find another game or try again on another server.


Gold nukes didn't make big change in this world at all. Yes, some golded few nukes and packages, but we were outnumbered heavily. If you organized and planned better with active players you could hurt and slow us down. But yeah, you don't make gold on other worlds and use it in your gameplay, so I am not surprised you ain't winning any worlds.


Pay to win at its finest. Funny how the ones using the golden nukes are only ones saying it isn't the golden nukes.

Well done for farming it all, I'd do the same if I had farmed all that gold.

But if y'all think it's fun playing AGAINST it then you are Cray cray

But haha jimmy ghosted again, add it to the list


This has nothing to do with gold use and everything to do with TF's and in particular their leaders ability to read the game and make the correct decisions to move forward. James' ego got in the way, just as the leaders of ex 'Summer Camp' a few months back. There are plenty of players and alliances that are still going strong that use little if any gold. Just look at SPITE, Novi and especially OV.

And for the record, I'm still going strong and haven't spent a single dollar on gold this world...use your head, not your wallet!


It is not easy to be a good enemy these days, if you are determined, stubborn and active the ememy throws "get a life" at you :) if you spend a couple of gold coins more than the enemy it is "pay to win". Hitting the sweet spot so that the enemy is satisfied feels completely impossible.

Bad and lazy TF leaders are the main reason for their loss.


Gold nukes didn't make big change in this world at all. Yes, some golded few nukes and packages, but we were outnumbered heavily. If you organized and planned better with active players you could hurt and slow us down. But yeah, you don't make gold on other worlds and use it in your gameplay, so I am not surprised you ain't winning any worlds.

Actually I do farm Gold on other Worlds from time to time. Maybe I'm just not farming enough then, I keep around 7-10k in the bank with Advisors active for about 6 months when I'm playing.

I end up playing too much lol instead of proper just going for a flat out Gold farm.


i was actually playing with them from the start in EN142 under a different username and the only reason you won that world was because you went into golding overdrive but the same trick wont work twice your 4 or 5 members currently playing there wont change anything if they leave :/ you would still lose on 142 i was in the top 10 by defense and kept a lot of alliances from sinking lets just say i learned a few things as well :cool:

you want to play, Drop when this world is over your Fiasco friends will be all built there that is if i dont conquer all of them by the time you come here you and your Alliance @TromboneTom are as they say all bark and no bite, if you do get some courage though you know where to find me :D
5 of us smashed an entire alliance and half your players golded too. Gold only works if you got skill as well. stop crying you just suck its ok maybe next server XD prob not tho


This world was even more embarrassing than the last world for James and TF. They really have no ground to stand on anymore. Hopefully their players will wake up and realize this and find new and better homes.


In this world you can only Congradulate True Fear,La Cucaracha and the rest they are the only ones who played fair and didnt mass gold so no one should feel bad.

I have always said if you have to give 5000$ or more to win in a game then you are loosing not winning, time and money your never getting back.

Yeah im a loser and everyone else i dont have as many Crowns as Fiasco does but can you call yourself a winner if you out golded someone ? Not out played i dont think so.

I think more people know me in this game then any of the Fiasco players and i can say i have more friends and people i chat then any Fiasco player for me that makes me a winner no one in Fiasco will ever match :) i Laugh when i see Fiasco won i dont respect them because i know how they won.
Im sorry, but what have you been smoking. TF golded just as much as anyone and look where that got them, their leaders ghosted and left the rest of the alliance hanging...history repeated. Cucaracha had the fortune of being protected out west but if you look what OV have done to them in such a short time there is no way they should be congratulated. If you really want to see the silent achievers of this world you should look at SPITE, Novi and OV (even though i hear they're not building ww's).

I also have a feeling that things could change yet again in this world...stay tuned.


Aww, mustard! Come on man, now don’t put no mustard on that, you need to put a little season on that thing! WHAT! Man come on get that pepper off there! Come on, somebody come get this man! Come on now, come on get that pepper of there, that’s just too much doggone pepper. I don’t wanna see this no more!


Im sorry, but what have you been smoking. TF golded just as much as anyone and look where that got them, their leaders ghosted and left the rest of the alliance hanging...history repeated. Cucaracha had the fortune of being protected out west but if you look what OV have done to them in such a short time there is no way they should be congratulated. If you really want to see the silent achievers of this world you should look at SPITE, Novi and OV (even though i hear they're not building ww's).

I also have a feeling that things could change yet again in this world...stay tuned.
This right here, clearly shows you have no idea lol


Im sorry, but what have you been smoking. TF golded just as much as anyone and look where that got them, their leaders ghosted and left the rest of the alliance hanging...history repeated. Cucaracha had the fortune of being protected out west but if you look what OV have done to them in such a short time there is no way they should be congratulated. If you really want to see the silent achievers of this world you should look at SPITE, Novi and OV (even though i hear they're not building ww's).

I also have a feeling that things could change yet again in this world...stay tuned.

LC had a significant battle with TF over the course of 2 months. LC lost around 81 Cities, I personally lost 6 & was Ranked 3rd in the Defenders chart for a fair while. I'm telling you right now there was very little sign of Golded nukes.

I'm not saying they don't Gold nukes, just our War with them was pretty fair & I'm not ashamed to admit we lost to them. When we teamed up to Defend against Cuddlers that was also a decent War.
After Pylos, I was a bit surprised that TF was able to gather a team and start one more world. What kind of leader ghosts and leaves his team behind as soon as the going gets tough?

I feel for the new guys that joined TF in this world, but for the guys that followed them here after Pylos... You should've known better. This was going to happen, it was just a matter of when.

Here is to James and TF leadership, hope no one follows you ever again.


This right here, clearly shows you have no idea lol
Care to explain why? If you look at the world right now pretty much everything confirms what i wrote. But if you're so smart and know so much, why dont you share you point of view on the world?


LC had a significant battle with TF over the course of 2 months. LC lost around 81 Cities, I personally lost 6 & was Ranked 3rd in the Defenders chart for a fair while. I'm telling you right now there was very little sign of Golded nukes.

I'm not saying they don't Gold nukes, just our War with them was pretty fair & I'm not ashamed to admit we lost to them. When we teamed up to Defend against Cuddlers that was also a decent War.
We all know the history between LC, TF, the mass hugging to defend against Cuddles etc. Like i just said, that is history. The fact that against all them you had decent wars yet against OV you're like 200-0 show that once you actually come up against an alliance that know what they're doing and works together you have no chance.

Im not saying that gold hasn't influenced this world (like it does all worlds), what im saying is that like it or not, the skilled alliances with decent leaders will always come out on top. The proof is out there:

  1. Cuddles: some decent players but average leaders - gone
  2. TF: some decent players yet egotistical leaders - gone
  3. Summer Camp: went from nearly strongest alliance positioned well to nothing overnight because of bad decisions and ego trips by leaders - gone
On the flip side, look at the alliances that have prospered even after either dropping late or starting with nearly a full list of noobs:

  1. Novi/Arsenic: A couple of extremely skilled leaders taught the new players, positioned themselves well and made all the right diplomatic decisions - still going
  2. Fiasco: Gold helps them a lot, their reputation does the same but it all still has to be put into motion. This is where their leaders shine whether you like them or not - still going
  3. OV: Dropped late, haven't lost a competitive city all world from what i hear. Once again, like them or not but if you want to see an example of leadership putting the alliance first and getting results, look here - still going
  4. SPITE: The quiet achievers but just keep getting bigger. Made the right decisions during the entire Cuddles drama and came out on top. Great leadership - still going


We all know the history between LC, TF, the mass hugging to defend against Cuddles etc. Like i just said, that is history. The fact that against all them you had decent wars yet against OV you're like 200-0 show that once you actually come up against an alliance that know what they're doing and works together you have no chance.

Im not saying that gold hasn't influenced this world (like it does all worlds), what im saying is that like it or not, the skilled alliances with decent leaders will always come out on top. The proof is out there:

  1. Cuddles: some decent players but average leaders - gone
  2. TF: some decent players yet egotistical leaders - gone
  3. Summer Camp: went from nearly strongest alliance positioned well to nothing overnight because of bad decisions and ego trips by leaders - gone
On the flip side, look at the alliances that have prospered even after either dropping late or starting with nearly a full list of noobs:

  1. Novi/Arsenic: A couple of extremely skilled leaders taught the new players, positioned themselves well and made all the right diplomatic decisions - still going
  2. Fiasco: Gold helps them a lot, their reputation does the same but it all still has to be put into motion. This is where their leaders shine whether you like them or not - still going
  3. OV: Dropped late, haven't lost a competitive city all world from what i hear. Once again, like them or not but if you want to see an example of leadership putting the alliance first and getting results, look here - still going
  4. SPITE: The quiet achievers but just keep getting bigger. Made the right decisions during the entire Cuddles drama and came out on top. Great leadership - still going

I didn't get to fight Ocean Veterans, would have liked to for a while as I heard a lot of chatter about them. I fought against Blue Beers, True Fear, Cuddlers and then for a very short while Fiasco... I was based over in the West 6-8hrs from O55.

That was the only negative thing I can say about LC, took too many players in and spread out over a bit too far of a distance to be very effective. Great bunch of people though I have to say.

When fighting against TF, Stannis-Storm impressed me with his timings. I generally only lost a City against them when he was involved in the attacks, very hard to snipe him.