Inactive Topic Trade Facility For Empty City Slots



Some players always end up with several spare empty city slots that they are not able to use immediately, these could be added to the trade, for instance, if a player desperately wants a slot to take an enemy city or an internal to allow them to be closer to their team core but they are several hundred BP away from a slot, they can post in the marketplace with a minimum trade, for example : 1 city slot traded for 25k of each resource or 5000 trading city slots, those who desperately need them can have the option to trade for them and those with excess unused slots can offload them without penalty

There does not appear to be any mention of this possibility anywhere else as far as I can tell


I think it would help smaller players grow faster and thus become more active within their team, it would help players joining new teams who might be outside the core area move easier and faster into the core


Slot trading can be added to the standard marketplace, so no major recoding issues for the game formatters

Visual Aids:

None required, slot trading would be added to the existing marketplace


No changes, would not affect the rest of the game

Abuse Prevention:

Cannot be abused


Trading slots would make the field a little flatter for players who might be new to the game or who are swapping teams and especially smaller players who are struggling to gain slots due to not having enough cities to feel they are being a team asset and those who are outside the core and wanting to get a quick way into the core and thus into the thick of the fighting


i like this idea. there is always someone that needs an extra slot, and always someone who has too many. works to benefit an allaince at a whole.


If restrictions were to be placed then an obvious one would be, perhaps, a limit on number of slots that could be traded for in any one period of time...say...1 slot traded per month per recipient player..the software could easily be coded to disallow rampant slot trading by a single player...most players should be able to produce their own slots in a month, so trading for an extra one would be an available bonus rather than a given right

You can also set the minimum trade for a slot...maybe have it trade for resources only, set amount, no gold trading permitted

There are various connotations that could be introduced to prevent issues arising...granted you are always going to come across a sly blighter who tries to abuse the system...c'est la vie and all that...but on the whole most players would not abuse it as long as the bar is set high enough with what can and cannot be traded....

How many players have zero population cities with full warehouses, no slots and an Op or internal is announced...they sit there twiddle thumbs wanting to take part but due to various reasons they have no slot and even if they used their cities in offense it still would not give them a they sit it out, they do not take part "whats the point me taking part if I have no slot?"

So go to the marketplace, see if anyone has a slot to trade....or post in the marketplace that you want a slot...set trade done by game developer, make the amount of resources high...30500 of each resource....limit 1 slot trade per month

There are ways and means to stop abuses happening...with every aspect of this game


There would have to be way to many restrictions to make it possible a heavy golder would be able to take off way to fast and it would cause way to many problems near WW time the enemy could buy even 1slot each and found round your Wonders


I think this goes against the fundamental principles of the game... you grow by experience and conquest, not by purchase... it would destroy a lot of the balance the game has and to be honest, if you have spare slots, use them... I rarely manage to get more than 2 spare slots and usually keep 1 spare for emergency conquests... but not in favour of this idea at all...