It's a game, and these externals were made for trash talk. No one is forcing you to read it. Get outta here if you can't take it
Your friend started insulting me so i figured i should go because its easy to name call but to add something to a debate it seems its very hard for him to do.
Look Nuts i dont want to argue with you all, i wish you and the Fiasco team the best like i said whoever wins out of 3 of you deserves it your all good teams i cant say really that my own team for which i played at the start VICTRIX is trash they are not neither is Bloods everyone plays differently lets just wait and see whoever wins and how its just a game man really :/
Dude, maybe you're the one getting to serious??? I mean the name of this thread is literally trash talk....just cmon now....
I mean, he's right guys, there are human being who play this game. Sadly, the leaders in victrix and bloods are scumbags, not people and can go pound sand. I will gladly give respect to those who deserve it, but we overcame a huge deficit, massive backdoor deals, a large number of spies and managed to pull out a win. Sorry we should tone down our victory cause you asked us to @War Angel . Please stop following everyone around saying good game for brownie points, you left to play a new server like you always do, never seeing things through to the end, but every time someone calls you out you're like "oh much love and respect, hope we all are having fun"
Stick to worlds you play and let us Fiascholes celebrate without your mindless drivel, please and thank you.
Only thing sadder then being in a member in Victrix now is being a member in Bloods I think. I mean, Vix can at least claim they were good at one point. Bloods? leaders there are a bunch of sell outs now to...
sad life
Nah, he won the server so he i'm really confused ,didn't Fiasco make him ghost?