Trash Talk

Being a winner is easy. Become a leader in an Alliance. Use the others to help you get cities. Kick people out and take their cites, first pick. Spy for Charlie. Abandon your alliance , and go to JFL taking the alliance top players with you. Attack your old friends. Example Grepo Chuckey, and Shadow Plague . Dirt bags.
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Lmfao, did you just call me a JFL spy? May i see your proof as I am taken aback by these baseless claims. If this is due to my leaving simmers and joining JFL then perhaps you should get all the facts before embarrassing yourself on externals. Simmer Farmers had a lot of great people, they were chill. Unfortunately, they didn't listen to my MM s and cost the alliance multiple losses. Imagine multiple cities on core islands with maxed walls + tower on a CQ world. What's worse is that these players don't use the alarm and log in once a day at best, so by the time we learn of a siege, it was already stacked behind maxed walls smh. If it's not inactivity, it's wycked sister, complaining about not following the CQ template, which by the way was MY Template, that was created for older worlds so it was most assuredly outdated. This was before CQ reports were available on the app. Wycked was practically a liability, not only did she regularly delete our live def/off forums, she also never supported sieges or siege breaks. Leaders did not kick or remove her perms either which was very frustrating. Yet I still stayed through all of that. The last straw came for me when our founders went under siege. Now anyone can be sieged, it's a CQ world after all but they also had high walls in their city, not maxed but enough to affect the effectiveness of our flyer nukes. As the leaders of our alliance, they were supposed to set the example and I was honestly disappointed when I found out about the high walled sieges. After this shock I was hit with even more disturbing news, we were merging into HH. Now HH is a great alliance, but them taking simmers in will most likely be their downfall. Certain ones have my respect for trying to be active but at the end of the day their inactivity and lack of alarms will become most prevalent in the coming days.

I'm honestly surprised you're calling me, the guy that sniped the most JFL CS in that alliance, the one that saved your cities multiple times and the most active member, that lost days of sleep instantly hc'ing/retripping all of their cities/checking trips, a JFL spy.
Honestly that was the most ungrateful statement I've seen on this game over the 12 years i've been playing.
I'm a very reasonable guy, and I've endured much in Simmers, simply couldn't take the nonsense anymore. I didn't have to stay in SF for as long as i did, but I tried my best to elevate the alliance until the very end.

As for that nonsense about using the others to get cities, smh, surely this wasn't directed at me. If I posted a siege, it'd be lucky to get 2 maybe 3 members to even support it. Was always the same names sending/being active on the forum, 2/3 of the alliance, built walls and simmed smh so again don't go running your mouth with this head-cannon of yours.

In Conclusion, please provide evidence proving me to have any affiliation with JFL, before my joining. Post SS of the proof below and stop defaming my name with your nonsense. Also, all members of SF know all too well that everything I've said here is the truth. I've no reason to lie and if anything I said was incorrect, please also add your comments/dissenting opinions below.

Sorry to the others present that had to witness my outburst.

Another Random Player


just got in a group and they're immediately micromanaging like they don't know old players when they see them

SuperNoobs, hot, or not?
Shadow you are right, You are an amazing player. You went to JFL with 20 cities, and every one you took all by yourself and all the while saving the cities of the rest of us, single handed . Was it you that originally started the Confederation of alliances against JFL with Grepo Chuckey and the other "leaders " . Funny how your both working for him now. Maybe it was the rest of us , with our incompetent ways drove you into the arms of JFL but we were winning a lot more sieges that we were loosing . The offence tab was always running 3 or 4 conquests and the defence tab was usually empty and we were number 3 . Not great but not a bunch of noobs either and all my stuff was out in support.
I respect Charlie, he adds something to any world he plays and he puts in efforts that no one else can match. I disagree with how he does it but other than spamming (which was never officially declared a ban-able offence to my knowledge ) Grepo appears to agree with him . You on the other hand , do not deserve to be in the same forum as players like Kitten. and Ivory. I do not know what country you are from , but you do not share my values.

Evil MeIinoe

Lmfao, did you just call me a JFL spy? May i see your proof as I am taken aback by these baseless claims. If this is due to my leaving simmers and joining JFL then perhaps you should get all the facts before embarrassing yourself on externals. Simmer Farmers had a lot of great people, they were chill. Unfortunately, they didn't listen to my MM s and cost the alliance multiple losses. Imagine multiple cities on core islands with maxed walls + tower on a CQ world. What's worse is that these players don't use the alarm and log in once a day at best, so by the time we learn of a siege, it was already stacked behind maxed walls smh. If it's not inactivity, it's wycked sister, complaining about not following the CQ template, which by the way was MY Template, that was created for older worlds so it was most assuredly outdated. This was before CQ reports were available on the app. Wycked was practically a liability, not only did she regularly delete our live def/off forums, she also never supported sieges or siege breaks. Leaders did not kick or remove her perms either which was very frustrating. Yet I still stayed through all of that. The last straw came for me when our founders went under siege. Now anyone can be sieged, it's a CQ world after all but they also had high walls in their city, not maxed but enough to affect the effectiveness of our flyer nukes. As the leaders of our alliance, they were supposed to set the example and I was honestly disappointed when I found out about the high walled sieges. After this shock I was hit with even more disturbing news, we were merging into HH. Now HH is a great alliance, but them taking simmers in will most likely be their downfall. Certain ones have my respect for trying to be active but at the end of the day their inactivity and lack of alarms will become most prevalent in the coming days.

I'm honestly surprised you're calling me, the guy that sniped the most JFL CS in that alliance, the one that saved your cities multiple times and the most active member, that lost days of sleep instantly hc'ing/retripping all of their cities/checking trips, a JFL spy.
Honestly that was the most ungrateful statement I've seen on this game over the 12 years i've been playing.
I'm a very reasonable guy, and I've endured much in Simmers, simply couldn't take the nonsense anymore. I didn't have to stay in SF for as long as i did, but I tried my best to elevate the alliance until the very end.

As for that nonsense about using the others to get cities, smh, surely this wasn't directed at me. If I posted a siege, it'd be lucky to get 2 maybe 3 members to even support it. Was always the same names sending/being active on the forum, 2/3 of the alliance, built walls and simmed smh so again don't go running your mouth with this head-cannon of yours.

In Conclusion, please provide evidence proving me to have any affiliation with JFL, before my joining. Post SS of the proof below and stop defaming my name with your nonsense. Also, all members of SF know all too well that everything I've said here is the truth. I've no reason to lie and if anything I said was incorrect, please also add your comments/dissenting opinions below.

Sorry to the others present that had to witness my outburst.

Another Random Player

You and Commit were great
Shadow you are right, You are an amazing player. You went to JFL with 20 cities, and every one you took all by yourself and all the while saving the cities of the rest of us, single handed . Was it you that originally started the Confederation of alliances against JFL with Grepo Chuckey and the other "leaders " . Funny how your both working for him now. Maybe it was the rest of us , with our incompetent ways drove you into the arms of JFL but we were winning a lot more sieges that we were loosing . The offence tab was always running 3 or 4 conquests and the defence tab was usually empty and we were number 3 . Not great but not a bunch of noobs either and all my stuff was out in support.
I respect Charlie, he adds something to any world he plays and he puts in efforts that no one else can match. I disagree with how he does it but other than spamming (which was never officially declared a ban-able offence to my knowledge ) Grepo appears to agree with him . You on the other hand , do not deserve to be in the same forum as players like Kitten. and Ivory. I do not know what country you are from , but you do not share my values.

Now hold up what are you even talking about, I wanted war with UWU, so where are you getting this info from? You'd make it big as a fantasy writer with all these falsified claims. Every alliance I wanted war with was shut down by leaders with a pact. I was against the coalition from the start and was the one that actively urged us to break it since it was basically a pretext for alliances to grow in our oceans. I don't believe in hugging nor pacts on a domination world. Most players would get out of me on a Dom world would be a NAP and that's if I'm feeling generous. See this is why I solo played for a while, too much drama when other people are brought into the mix.

And YES most of my cities were taken solo or with a few members helping out. You weren't in our alliance, if you were you'd know that we had 5+ sieges running daily and mine would usually be at the bottom meaning i'd get the dregs of support if any at all. Most days my support was out in friendly sieges, and my off was out helping clear cities for my alliance members. Now 5 sieges may not be much to you guys lol but back in simmers we didn't have much def, either that or many just didn't send it. even after an MM it was at best 10/40 members sending def at most
I've actually only asked for help once to clear a city and that's cause my off was killed earlier clearing multiple cities for my team.

Oh wait nvm, you did join our alliance, I remember that well, the moment you joined you only ever ask for snipes and siege breaks on your cities smh. Not to mention the DLU incident. I remember that siege you had on a JFL player. You stacked the city with BIRS and let us send our DLU to a flyer death trap whilst you racked up BP. Oh and what do you know, you sent some nonsense message on our forum saying you didn't want to cause any trouble after depleting our flyers and DLU and left our alliance. Boy did you play us smh.

As for Kitten and Ivory, I've played with and against them both before. I've no beef with them and respect them as vets of the game and if they'd like to be upset cause I chose JFL rather than another alliance that's entirely up to them, I gave my reasons, some of which both have left alliances for in the past. Their opinions aren't in any way wrong and i've nothing to say against their thoughts on the matter.

However i don't know who you are and my first impressions on you and my past alliance were less than impressive to any degree. Again i suggest talking to members in Simmer Farmers before spreading all of this propaganda on externals.
Still waiting on your proof of me being a JFL spy. Surely you have it since you accused me right? Send proof don't just say it and leave.

Oh and one more thing, if you're getting info from Wycked then boy are you checking the wrong person. We couldn't even swear in our discord chat cause she was offended smh, like tf, if you don't like it leave, discord isn't for everyone and certainly wasn't for her. Still waiting for the "lots of members" that complained to her about our language smh. Message any other Simmer Farmers member and asked them who the Team player that carried them on multiple instances was. No disrespect to SF in any way tho. Again all great people, just didn't have the time the game required. Not their fault as RL always comes first. At the end of the day why am I even getting worked up over an insignificant player on an MMORPG game, like honestly!
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I don't believe in hugging nor pacts on a domination world.

As for Kitten and Ivory, I've played with and against them both before. I've no beef with them and respect them as vets of the game and if they'd like to be upset cause I chose JFL rather than another alliance that's entirely up to them, I gave my reasons, some of which both have left alliances for in the past. Their opinions aren't in any way wrong and i've nothing to say against their thoughts on the matter.

So like, if that's true..why did you join an alliance with a second branch that recruits anyone with a pulse, had a pact with Valhalla, and has a pact/NAP with Hannibals I-III? Actually out of any of the relevant alliances in this world, JFL is hugging. Hell their entire strategy, and I have the MMs to prove this, is basically hug and mass recruit and try to survive the onslaught.

For somebody that respects me, you sure did quietly go off to JFL in the night without a word sending your alliance in a death spiral. Which is actually funny considering that there was an alliance in your ocean that's 3-0 vs JFL plus you had first hand screenshots and accounts on what a mess they've been. Considering most of SF chose to either go down with the ship, join HH, or go independent. This leads me and most people outside of JFL (and lets be honest, most inside of JFL at this point too), to the following conclusions.

A) You're a pretty poor decision maker.


B) You just really wanted to join JFL.

Considering that they easily outspend everyone else and are still a collective 2-10 vs RP and HH in the middle of an event which favors their spending and resources, that's without counting the ghosted players that we took cities from or the guys that got kicked under siege, I'd lean towards that you really wanted to join JFL.
So like, if that's true..why did you join an alliance with a second branch that recruits anyone with a pulse, had a pact with Valhalla, and has a pact/NAP with Hannibals I-III? Actually out of any of the relevant alliances in this world, JFL is hugging. Hell their entire strategy, and I have the MMs to prove this, is basically hug and mass recruit and try to survive the onslaught.

For somebody that respects me, you sure did quietly go off to JFL in the night without a word sending your alliance in a death spiral. Which is actually funny considering that there was an alliance in your ocean that's 3-0 vs JFL plus you had first hand screenshots and accounts on what a mess they've been. Considering most of SF chose to either go down with the ship, join HH, or go independent. This leads me and most people outside of JFL (and lets be honest, most inside of JFL at this point too), to the following conclusions.

A) You're a pretty poor decision maker.


B) You just really wanted to join JFL.

Considering that they easily outspend everyone else and are still a collective 2-10 vs RP and HH in the middle of an event which favors their spending and resources, that's without counting the ghosted players that we took cities from or the guys that got kicked under siege, I'd lean towards that you really wanted to join JFL.

Loads of false statements there but i won't say anything about their pact situation just that I stand by my words about no pacts. Also Perseus from HH is above charlie in the event rn lol
Also 3-0 to an inactive player that never posted their sieges no doubt otherwise they'd have lost those ninja sieges FYI. otherwise you and I both know those sieges would be broken or they'd be pulled if they spotted inc flyers. Every alliance has simmers/inactive players, didn't Yuki just lose one the other day?
As for the hugging, well idk about then but since i've joined this world everyone has been against them xd, multiple coalitions, your guys were with the coalition as well just didn't want to add the forum, probably a good idea with all the confusion, players in th coalition were killing non JFL sieges lmfao. What a mess.

Also during the event i'm pretty sure they borke everyone's sieges, a rim alliance mm'd for help on a siege break, and they sent. Not cause they're allied but cause they wanted BP lol.

That said i'm curious as to why everyone's so hurt I joined JFL? It's not like me joining them changed the game in any way, i'm not a game changing player lmfao so why be so upset. Feel like personal feelings are the cause for all the hate and that's fine, but don't go calling me a spy and an unhelpful player that used my alliance for cities when you've presented no proof. I get it you want everyone to blast JFL, i get it I really do, but i'm honestly tired of every world, especially every dom world, being the top 2-10 alliances fighting the top alliance. Indirect hugging


So like, if that's true..why did you join an alliance with a second branch that recruits anyone with a pulse, had a pact with Valhalla, and has a pact/NAP with Hannibals I-III? Actually out of any of the relevant alliances in this world, JFL is hugging. Hell their entire strategy, and I have the MMs to prove this, is basically hug and mass recruit and try to survive the onslaught.

For somebody that respects me, you sure did quietly go off to JFL in the night without a word sending your alliance in a death spiral. Which is actually funny considering that there was an alliance in your ocean that's 3-0 vs JFL plus you had first hand screenshots and accounts on what a mess they've been. Considering most of SF chose to either go down with the ship, join HH, or go independent. This leads me and most people outside of JFL (and lets be honest, most inside of JFL at this point too), to the following conclusions.

A) You're a pretty poor decision maker.


B) You just really wanted to join JFL.

Considering that they easily outspend everyone else and are still a collective 2-10 vs RP and HH in the middle of an event which favors their spending and resources, that's without counting the ghosted players that we took cities from or the guys that got kicked under siege, I'd lean towards that you really wanted to join JFL.
JFL is mass recruiting LOL. I am sure Charlie gets more applications than you have messages in this world.
JFL Hugging LOL. Hugging an invisible Alliance?
Loads of false statements there but i won't say anything about their pact situation just that I stand by my words about no pacts.

Which parts? The multi branches, the helping Hannibals, the losing towns, etc?

Also Perseus from HH is above charlie in the event rn lol

Okay? And you have 12 of the top 15 players. That'll always outweigh what one player does.

Also 3-0 to an inactive player that never posted their sieges no doubt otherwise they'd have lost those ninja sieges FYI. otherwise you and I both know those sieges would be broken or they'd be pulled if they spotted inc flyers. Every alliance has simmers/inactive players, didn't Yuki just lose one the other day?

Considering how many banters have been run through on JFL, and how many go pretty deep into siege, that's not surprising. That's also not anyone else's fault or problem but JFL's. Congrats on conquering Yuki not sure how shes inactive or a simmer for losing a city but that'd still mark you at about 2-12 vs us once you add in the ghosted conquest and those kicked that we had CSes in/on the way to. Also I gotta say that I'm impressed. I don't think I've ever seen somebody try to rationalize getting ninja'd before.

your guys were with the coalition as well

Ah, a coalition where we have no NAPs and actively attack each other and take each other's cities. Weird coalition there. As for everyone attacking JFL that might be due to the following factors.

- They're in the middle of the world.
- They're not exactly hard targets.
- They're not well liked.

That said i'm curious as to why everyone's so hurt I joined JFL?

I don't think anyone's hurt tbh. You just came on here trying to justify bailing on your alliance and pact mate and joining JFL after what amounted to roughly a day or two of fighting. Naturally, people are going to chime in.

Pete Dunham

yeah same as you tkf hugging all world against jfl

Again, the most simple of concepts seem to elude you all at all times.

We have 0 diplomacy with anybody. 0. Damn, we didnt even ally our branch alliance, they are just brown on the map.
Also, not to flatter yourself too much either, the fact that we would break JFL sieges is not a hugging thing, we will go for those cities ourselves and mostly everything is due to a "no to Charlie" policy, as as it was said before, the grepo community has a pretty damn low standard set for how decent of a human you need to be to not get shunned and Charlie is unable to meet it.