Troy - a story by leonidis121


King Priam lolled forward,chin in hand, and scarcely heard the babble around him.His son,Hector,was telling a tale so preposterous that scarcely anyone bothered to listen.Helen,good Helen,was trying to pay him heed but even her good nature was sorely tried.

'' There are times,Helen,'' he said softly '' when ladies of the court should be seen and not heard.You and Paris have caused enough trouble already, and I don't want the pressure to mount any more on my poor father and King.''

He gazed round the huge hall.He saw all the fine princes laughing talking, having the time of their life. Why did he have to be burdoned with keeping up the charades,pretending to act like the heir to the throne.Why did he have to solve Paris's problems,on the brink of war? All these questions bounced around in his head until he spoke sternly:

'' My King, I have learned of a great warrior in King Aganemnom's army. They say he is immortal.''

''Pah!'' Bellowed King Priam '' No army has ever taken the walls of Troy. Surely you, my son,can defeat this warrior.''

'' Yes father'' mumbled Hector '' I will''

'' What is his name ?'' questioned the old King.

'' Achilieas.''


Spelt Achilles wrong, when you put a cooma in put a space after it. Not a story but a nice Introduction to something, else