Unable to load the game


In Game Name: ArjaaAineZ
Have check the known bugs list: Yes, it is there but I had to put all the solutions I have tried and failed with.
Have you cleared your cache and cookies: Yes - A Gazillion times (explanantion below)
Have you tried a different computer/laptop/tablet/phone: Yes
Have you tried a different connection: Yes
Full Version or Mobile Version: Full
Browser and Version: Latest Chrome

Overview of the bug: Ever since the new update, 3-4 times a day After I refresh the game I get stuck on the following screen. It has completely incapacitated me. So much so that I have had to start using a different browser for my regular work because constantly clear cache and cookies was hurting my work.

I clear cache, cookies.. close the browser and start again. Go back to home screen, log out and log back in. I try ALL of the above a few times before it lets me get back into the game.
Annoyingly it only happens on refresh, i could not refresh the game but now the game is so buggy that after an hour or two of use.. all the tooltips start showing up behind the main window. Which prevents me from doing anything..
Example: If i click on a player's city to goto the city.. I can't because the tooltip opens behind the player screen.


How often this occurs: few times a day
Work Around: None


Can I just say that I'm having the exact same problem- I'm also using Chrome.
My world though is Hyperboria.


I have same the exact problem on chrome so i Have switched to Firefox and have had no problems since.

They will fix it but of course its a bad time of year for a bug to appear with breaks etc .

I suggest Firefox as a temporary fix.


I use chrome Version 23.0.1271.97 m

No problems at all for me.(only had a bit of lag on day1)


I had the same problem, only diference is that clearing the cache worked for me.


Clearing cache or trying another browser should fix the problem.


Clearing cache or trying another browser should fix the problem.
It doesn't always, I know cases where neither of these things work. Neither does switching a computer or switching network connection for some people. Not sure what CAN cause these problems..


Like i have said, clearing cache doesn't fix it. I have to clear it a few times, close and reopen the browser a few times to make it work.

I tried using FF, but that browser is sooo incredibly slow compared to Chrome.. It is not being worth it for me.


I have the same problem every now and then, but usually after refreshing the page some 15 times it works again, and yes I too use chrome.

In instances that it really doesn't like to load I use a different browser (Firefox or Safari) and Grepolis loads. After playing on the browser (Firefox or Safari) for an hour or two I go back to using chrome and by then Grepolis will already load properly for me.


Aarja, this also happens to me sometimes, i use Chrome, and i found out that if i delete my search history(last hour is good enough), the game loads perfectly then.

It is an annoying bug, but well, this helps me when i get into this trouble.. Try it and post if it helped!