Pnp United Spartan Army: United But Not That Good


It's Friday morning and C4 is getting ready to start working on his next Apollonia Times issue.
Oh no!exclaims C4, I am out of resources, how I am going to pay my hard working people?
See that city Rape and Pillage 2 to the east,” said the Captain,I heard that the warehouse is overflowing with goods. Here, take these troops and send them over there to bring some.”

Great, this should be enough for me to pay my workerssaid C4. "Alright people let's get moving."
Busy doing interviews and gathering stats, C4 received a mysterious message from rebel2112.

Soon after a horrific epidemic struck the city.
And then the first attack hit.
Seeing his troops slaughter on the ground, with tears on his eyes, C4 had no other choice but to call for reinforcements.

Lightning bolts, earthquakes, and plagues, the city was under heavy magical spells. Terrified, the people of Apollonia Times prayed to the gods to stop this madness, but their prayers felt on deaf ears as the Spartan Army had already offered their lives to the gods.
Then out of nowhere they saw biremes approaching the shore, happy the people began to cheer but they were deceived as though they were not there to support but attack.
Then after attacks and spells, support finally arrived.
"Welcome my dear friends," C4 greeted the new arrivals. After greeting the new ally reinforcements, they got into position and awaited for invaders to land. Then the first attack hit and almost kill the reinforcements, not from the deadly wounds they were dealt but rather from laughter."Hahaha, look at those noobs," one swordsman cry out. "I wounder how they defend?" an archer exclaimed in wonder.

Attacks have now stopped thanks to diplomatic action from allies however C4 never said that he would stop attacks on rebel2112 so he might have a new address by the time his next issue is released.:pro:
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gratz was quite funny, but if I was one of the ppl that sent you support, I would hope my defensive cities wouldn't be shown :p


Pm me in game if you get revolted mate, im willing to send a few thousand bires to keep you going in this world


They have switched attention to me. 59 attacks in 45 hours. Most of them a bit strange. I am 2 oceans away from most of them.
I am not going to post all of them as pnp, maybe I will post a top 3 of most remarkable attacks.