Update to Version 2.126 Discussion Thread


I believe Dustballs walls trying to outline the ramifications of the update, and asked if he's along the lines correct. Not sure.

But I totally understand. This update will feel like I've wasted money and time on the game that is now being changed, where my efforts are worthless now...


personally to me its just a game
but i have spent money on it
and i would like inno to at least offer some of it back after this total sham
if not i think i will not be playing grepo again or any other inno game
p.s. nice to play with all you guys n girls i will finish this world and its probably my last
its a war game and i will play it as one so no sympathy from me lol
all the best to all of ya


I've stayed in Zancle for over 1 year just to deny Triad's victory and you're just gonna hand them that?

This is why I have no sympathy for you.

If you were actually trying to play to win, this would be one thing. But you aren't. You are playing to troll. Even with 4 of the 5 top alliances joined together, this is the best you could manage.

That's not playing. And the fact that you used an exploit to enable the above just validates my belief that you and your alliance mates are just doing what you can not to win, but to keep another group you can't beat from doing so until attrition enables the servers death by atrophy.

Well I don't know about that - that CAN be considered a win, too. Remember Star Trek TNG, and Data's game of Stratogema? He lost the first game, but in the rematch, he changed his strategy so that instead of playing to WIN, he played to create a DRAW. This untimately caused his opponent to Quit.

That's what we are doing, we are playing to create a DRAW, instead of a decisive win. In spite of this, I don't think WW rules should be changed like this on any world that has started the WW stage, it's just wrong.


Well I don't know about that - that CAN be considered a win, too. Remember Star Trek TNG, and Data's game of Stratogema? He lost the first game, but in the rematch, he changed his strategy so that instead of playing to WIN, he played to create a DRAW. This untimately caused his opponent to Quit.

That's what we are doing, we are playing to create a DRAW, instead of a decisive win. In spite of this, I don't think WW rules should be changed like this on any world that has started the WW stage, it's just wrong.

Sadly, Inno complete disregard your view and completely disagree with you and the majority of players who feel the same way....


I totaly disagree with an update being implemented in an ongoing world, just like in any selfrespectable game, you set the rules before the game comences and changing the rules during the play is considered as cheating. Good example of this would be customised chess where rules set before the game.
To say a word for pro-update players, I and my alliance played by rules set out by INNOGames, we all had eqaul rights at the beginning. Why to alter the rules when our strategy and tactics have started to work, that took a long time and gold to prepare?
This illicit behiaviour is totally inappropriate in strategy games! INNOGAMES PLEASE RECONSIDER, IF YOU STILL HAVE ANY CARE LEFT OF YOUR REPUTATION AND CUSTOM!


many thanks for the update to status, wading through our dirty laundry and providing our feedback to the developers - and above all - I am extremely glad that this change has not been implemented retrospectively.

We can now go back to where we were..now, where was that!!


Now we can finally carry on in Zancle for the wonders.

Thank you Inno for the confirmation and listening to the players whom would have been effected by this update.


Thank you very much Inno Games for listening to the player feedback. You have certainly made the right choice!

My apologies on the hasty conclusions here.


BT, thanks for putting up with the nonsense and delivering the sour grapes. Seems player voices were heard and a fair compromise was reached.


"Fair Play" for listening and then acting to address the Issues raised in specific Worlds , Where is


Now if only they'd simplify the mobile app rather than just switching off the original mobile site. The original mobile site remains quick and simple whilst the app is graphics heavy and slow in comparison.