Update to Version 2.215

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Changelog 2.215

Dear Community,

On Wednesday June 10th Grepolis will be updated to version 2.215. As always there will be a short downtime while the update is applied.


While Olympus is just around the corner, this version brings some small improvements in Alliance window and the usual bugfixes.
New Features and Changes

  • When Trading with Phoenician trader players will be now warned if the transaction is to exceed resource or population limit.
  • You will now see more information in the 'Pact events' tab in Alliance Overview window. It will now include information on who sent, accepted or rejected pact invitation, canceled pact, marked another alliance as enemy or removed enemy status from an alliance.

  • Powers cast on a city prior to the city being besieged will now be fully restored if the siege is broken.
  • Buildings overview will now show Special buildings when built in the city.
  • All UI elements should now react properly to mark an incoming attacks.

* Found on beta, might not have occurred on live worlds.


We hope you enjoy the update and would love to hear any feedback you have here.

Best regards,
Your Grepolis Team
