Update to Version 2.217 Discussion Thread

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
On Wednesday the game will be updated to version 2.217. Feel free to post any questions or comments about the update here.

Changelog 2.217

Dear Community,

On Wednesday July 8th Grepolis will be updated to version 2.217. As always there will be a short downtime while the update is applied.

New Features and Changes

  • It is now possible to include Heroes in attacks on island quests.

  • To make things a little easier for alliance coordination, we have made it so all temples now have unique names.

  • When attacking Bandits Camp the button to add units to the simulator will now also copy over any heroes you have selected in the attack.
  • The target city will be added correctly to the attack planner when creating an attack plan via the attack window.
  • Validation emails will again be sent for players who registered via invite links or mobile registration.
  • The command info window should now show the name of the city a command originates from.
  • Battle points boosts like Divine Senses will correctly calculate now in the Simulator.
  • Temple buff descriptions will now be consistent between the app and browser versions.
  • The alliance name will again correctly show in pact events on the app when a pacted alliance changes their name.
  • On the app, the back button from the alliance profile description will correctly take you back one screen.
  • The Olympus temple will no longer show as a ghost town in the command overview. *
  • The tooltip for active temple buffs in your cities will show even if the only active buff is a portal temple. *
  • Posting conquest reports for temples under siege will now show correctly. *
  • The visibility of incoming commands on Olympus will again be consistent with Small and Large Temples behavior. *
  • Founders and Leaders can correctly send support for other alliances members back home from an owned temple. *
* Found on beta, might not have occurred on live worlds.


We hope you enjoy the update and would love to hear any feedback you have here.

Best regards,
Your Grepolis Team



Minor thing, but I think all times (both timers/arrivals) should use colons : instead of periods . to delimit hours, minutes, seconds. Or if not, all of them should use periods to be consistent - not a mixture of the two.

I refer to both the app and browser version for this.


The recent update changed the delimiter to use periods, and only for arrival times in the command overview as far as I can see.

This is irritating because the Attack Planner accepts nothigg but colons to delimit times. This means I can't copy + paste the time from the command overview directly into the Attack Planner any more (or when someone copies the time from the Overview/GRC pastes it in a message to me, again, I cannot paste it directly into the Planner).
