Update to Version 2.248

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Changelog 2.248

Dear Community,

On Wednesday September 29th Grepolis will be updated to version 2.248. As always there will be a short downtime while the update is applied.

New Features and Changes

  • A small indicator has been added to the map view town tooltip on Casual worlds to show when a player is within the attack point range:
  • We've made it possible to minimize the Farm Village Overview, so you don't have to re-open it every five minutes!

  • Selecting both Aphrodite and Poseidon in the simulator no longer breaks the layout of the window.
  • Demolishing a building no longer switches the tab's view back to build mode.
  • We fixed some field alignment issues in the Attack Planner.
  • Clicking on a farm name in the Farming Overview will no longer lead to a player's city.
  • Profiles will no longer become inaccessible when using only the Award BB code.
* Found on beta, did not occur on live worlds.


We hope you enjoy the update and would love to hear any feedback you have here.

Best regards,
Your Grepolis Team

Last edited:

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
The description of Heroic Power only applying to land units is incorrect and as a result that aspect of the change won't be included in this update. As changing what is effected by Heroic Power is a significant change our developers are taking a second look at how it should function.