Very fast world for people from all over the world. Is it real?


I am a new user of I am from Poland and I have a question.
Is it real to create very fast world without night deffence bonus like 4/4/4, or 5/5/5, inactive morals and conquest conquer style?
In our language version sometimes we can choose world settings, but all worlds have night deffence bonus. In my oppinion game without N.D.B is more interesting.
I see, that you are very close to open en100 world. It could be gift for grepolis gamers from all over the world, and then it will be international competition-which country is the best.
What do you think? Is it real?


Sounds to me like you need to join an EN world. There's no Night Defence Bonus in EN worlds. There aren't many worlds with a speed of 4+ but they're around. Some worlds have inactive Morale and, of course, we have the mixture of revolt and conquest here.


The last unit speed 4 conquest server on EN was around 4 years ago now so if you're after a faster unit speed there's no point joining here. We do get server speed 4s occasionally if you like building/rebuilding things fast.


100th world should be special, so if you had as fast world as this ~4 years ago, it would be the best occasion.
I play on worlds with conquest and revolt, but conquest was first so it will be better in my oppinion on world like this. Something like "ad fontes" :D
Morals aren't nice, so on world like this it would be terrible.