Not a Bug Villages Revolting


Hey! So I have a very annoying bug to report.
There are these quests, were farming villages' loyalty decreases to to 75% (5% per hour, for 5 hours) and give you in exchange - say 4 hops per hour, for 4 hours.
Anyway, back to the bug - after you have completed such a quest - thus leaving your villages to 75% mood, if you use the "no loyalty lost" thingy, and proceed to start looting your villages, they will still revolt. However, the loyalty/mood will not decrease (because you got the thingy activated) - but they will revolt. What's up with that? I don't think it's normal, right? I mean, what's the whole purpose of the "no lost loyalty" stuff then?
Would very much appreciate it to have it fixed... :D
Narc :)


This is not a bug. Forced loyalty only prevents the mood from dropping during looting, it doesn't prevent revolts. If the mood of a village is below 80% there is a chance that it will revolt.


Oh...well that's some good new info :p
I still don't think it's normal, because imo, I think that when you have the "no lost loyalty" stuff activated, it should work the same way as when demanding - and they don't revolt when demanding even if below 80, but if that's the way the game works - there's not much to do but deal with it.
Thanks for the help!
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