War and Fight


Well since the TOP12 Post has lost in Topic I will open up this post.
The moment what threw me off was this Post by the Leader of Tiny Teddies.
Sure thing, although I could be a spoilt brat? Again, mere generalisations.

On topic: Musketeers have taken 11 cities: 5 are from inactives(Pat & Svender), another 3 are from Uncle Bulgaria, and 3 from players too far away to effectively defend (Marcfury & Urban Fudge).

Well done guys.

I do not understand you Cheez. As a Leader and as an Alliance every member has a high Value. You call us an Alliance with deadweight and still you have not taken more then 3 cities from us!
If we take a City whos Flag is a TT flag it your Job as a leader to prevent this from happening.
UncleB was TT when we took his city and it is because of your behavior that he did not accept you apologize and because of that he did the right choice and choosed the Alliance where all are fighting for one and one is fighting for all.

Then you state that we dumb and noobs and you proof that with reports. Who is the noob leader if he accepts Players fro to far away or lets theyr player take cities so far out? And then also you can put hundreds of Reports like this in here in the the End Musketeers lead in the War between them and TT with 10 to 3. So whos the noob now?

Members in your Alliance should really ask them self if the leadership has made the right calls and especially if the only way to remain number one atm is due to merges. Start taking cities to grow and stop merges. You cant even controll your members in TT yet but yeah sure always get more members in you have to deal with since you are a mastermind in dealing with people and making deaccessions planning attacks. Sorry I mean we are the Noobs in the End right?

TT 3
Musketeers 10 One for all, all for one



what amazes me the most is how can AC's leader accept to merge into TTs, he had a good and solid alliance running... after all the work he did he just merges???
if it were a small alliance it would have been normal but a top 3 alliance :(


what amazes me the most is how can AC's leader accept to merge into TTs, he had a good and solid alliance running... after all the work he did he just merges???
if it were a small alliance it would have been normal but a top 3 alliance :(

yep truly sad really ,,, a really good well respected alliance ruined for what ????????????
i woulda made the teddies merge into AC to survive not look weak and join them lol


Lol, does it matter if someone takes an inactive's city? Sort your inactives out, instead of complaining about them!!


he meant about cheez complain, TT is TT green, yellow or red
do not discriminate your own members peps


I must say, why are you guys so hyped up, I have been inactive for 5 days. you had 3 of my cities in revolt and failed to take any of them. When an alliance gets to the point where they can't even conquer inactives, its something to worry about :p Seriously. I just got back and i have been literally been LOL for the last 5 minutes. This war is going to be fun, you can't even conquer me when i am inactive, so what hope will you have when i am active? :p


well we have other stuff to do aswell you know and we want to give you a fair fight;)

BTW Why were you inactive?


Maybe you would like to explain the reasons for your '5 day inactivity' Metalcore? And you a mod too, tsk. 'Inactive', that's funny :D


Last person I knew who was inactive for 5 days had been banned for multi-accounting. You wouldn't know anything about that now would you?


Hey genius, if he was banned, I don't believe they would have been able to attack him :eek:


Hehe owned. But seriously metalcore i'm also wondering about a 5 day inactive thing, we talking not playing at all or just playing alot less? Also were there actual CS attempts or could it of been a ploy?

On the other hand Musketeers, UncleB may have felt wronged but what he did was wrong and i wouldn't personally count those cities in the win pile. Also think it's a bit early to be gloating not to mention you should have given a 24 hour notice out of respect to TT, cheap tricks will only get you so far.


Quoting forums rules like a good moderator :)

"Do not discuss in-game bans."

That's no go there guys. So it will have to be left for you guys to ponder over :)
They were actual cs attempts, i have three reports i could post up but sadly my internet connection does not allow uploading any more :(. they were real enough though :p
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Hey metalcore,

thats why I stated in my post that i am just dropping a thought. I am sorry if that was against the rules, my apologies.
Lets get all that insulting and personal attacks away from the Forum and lets leave it to the Battlefield. :)

@Phears that had nothing to do with backstabbing or something like that. If you look in the History of another world you will find similar moves. The reason is to realize that sooner or later there will be war and as long as you have the surprise on your side thats an advantage. Its a tactical move and if the attacked Alliance did not plan for this it is they fault and well they learn from this. :pro:

So with this beeing sad glad you are back metalcore as a good Mod :) Lets have some Fun in game and lets be fair sports on the Battlefield as far as a War"Game" can allow this ;)



Don't worry. You will know when you have done wrong. But just remember that rule in the future as it may get you in trouble.

Just to throw some stats in.

ABP: 1124452
DBP: 662134

ABP: 773286
DBP: 447211

ABP: 746417
DBP: 411336

Interesting to still see TT with such a large lead at this stage of the game. Usually (from my experience) alliances catch up to The No.1 ranker by now especially when they lead from the start as the usually "Run out of steam" as some say. Food for thought. TT aint slowing down and we will take these set backs in our stride. Our ego may not be as big as you all imagine :p Be careful you don't fall into the trap you claim TT fell into :p


Even so its that extreme as in Corinth with Permanent Ban or PV in that other world:) but it is true that yall are running away with the stats. But then again its not that much higher if you consider the last merge and not as big as PV or PM had after that time. And at least it is a fair fight atm.

And puhhhhhhhhh got lucky there and will remember that rule in the future:)


i have a gut feeling today will be a interesting day in grepolis idk why just does