People get help on both sides discretely, so it probably evens it self out...
I wouldn't be surprised if that is happening
People get help on both sides discretely, so it probably evens it self out...
not much to say really we still attack and they still hide behind walls and walls of birs.
apart from that jason118 lost 2 cities to us this morning with more than half still in revolt smashed loads of def
and the odd city here and there from others
least his def stats will look good tomorrow
Wait all you want mate you'll never get him he can cover his own cities and when he can't well you know the power of the Harpoon alliance were a bit of a pain in the butt to get through
why would i be wiped????OMG - you do not want to post stuff on us when we have so much better stuff on you that would get you wiped off this map!!!! LOL - Are you actually mental?????
Be VERY careful asgarrd or I'll post it and you'll be history.
We sent the copy of our charter to Stirlo because he said he wanted to join us, and then he tried to get us to turn against ONE*.... Oh egg on our faces!!!! NOT!!!! ....I am so glad I am not so duplicitious as this.
We sent the copy of our charter to Stirlo because he said he wanted to join us, and then he tried to get us to turn against ONE*.... Oh egg on our faces!!!! NOT!!!! ....I am so glad I am not so duplicitious as this.
Once i've moved house, i'll find those full conversations and forward them on too
I don't think theres anything in there for myself or any other member of HARPOON to worry about. This all sounds a bit desperate to me. Just finish the job against HARPOON and stop trying to get other alliances to do it for you.
Do you know what impresses me most about ONE* and GSA. They have both been in a long war with numerous alliances and yet don't feel the need to have 24 pages of drivel which essentially is what this has become.
Oh and finally i can confirm i've never said i wanted to join any other alliance. I've had better offers from much slicker outfits.
The Federation provoke us into attacking then when we do attack its never good enough is it, what have you done offensively impressive? Nothing. We're up against a combined alliance total of 19,422,603 points, most of it defense. Congrats to anyone who helped defend Jason1118 but would you rather we didn't attack and just left you to play Sim City.
HARPOON have a nice balance of defense and offense that allows us to out conquer a combined alliance of twice our size week in week out.
This week, again HARPOON have had more ABP per player than The Federation combined. What would it be like if we turtled up like yourselves. Boring. We give you DBP and you still complain. What is it you want, a pact with every single alliance in the game?!?! Evidently Akazmier does. Anyone can join his family, he jumps into bed with anyone to save himself. Your charter was put up as Jason asked why we call you the FED. Anyway... Do you seek peace in a war game?!?! You should spend a bit more time on the battlefield, less time on politics and less time playing sim city.
29/06 HARPOON -73 - 18- FEDERATION
08/07 HARPOON -90 - 25- FEDERATION
It'll be almost impossible for anyone in Delphi to finsh a WW before ONE*. Too many small alliances. Even if we were all to focus on 1 Wonder each it still wouldn't work. I seen it in RHO where Eviction Notice merged with the #2 and #3 alliance, they built 7 Wonders in record time and they weren't even as large as ONE* are now. In RHO we had agreed to focus on 1 Wonder each yet nobody got their Wonder to Level 10 before EN built all 7 to level 10.
I'd say to stand a chance at building WW the smaller alliances need to swallow their pride and join up under one roof. Not under a Federation, but if its not the WW the Federation care about and its the fighting then bring it on.
If you can cut through that red tape and eventually get the go ahead for that OP you planned on us last month then let us know. We'll be waiting