War in Ocean 45: WLE,IC,Theta vs. HARPOON


not much to say really we still attack and they still hide behind walls and walls of birs.
apart from that jason118 lost 2 cities to us this morning with more than half still in revolt smashed loads of def
and the odd city here and there from others
least his def stats will look good tomorrow :D


not much to say really we still attack and they still hide behind walls and walls of birs.
apart from that jason118 lost 2 cities to us this morning with more than half still in revolt smashed loads of def
and the odd city here and there from others
least his def stats will look good tomorrow :D

You really are a horrible attacker....if you timed or planned any of your attacks then you would have had my city last night yourself. Now your just sending a CS and hoping your friends clear it for you.....Kinda sad you and i mean you personally, can't do anything against me when your three times my size... After the fight is over i'll give credit where its due, but you will never get any. Spend less time on the externals and more learning how to play this game, because you need it.


haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa am not as sad to get up at stupid o clock to send out attacks.
and play the game coming from the man who's clearly used gold to get his defence back again.
and FYI you'd have seen that i helped in clearing those 2 u lost this morning.
so shhhhhhhhhhhhh if this was only your def i would say well done but seeing how we both know it's not then stop your gabbin.
what's the point of having an allinace if i cant use them to help me?????
seeing how you must be getting shed loads from the communist party that is the federation lol
we've seen the pledge of alliance AZ made up i hope you had nothing to do with that drivel.

i fell asleep half way through reading it.
tell you what you guys do what you want i past caring u call this a war???? if anything it's got that boring again in this world because of your federation.
7 allainces and nothing special. bored would be the best way to describe it.
we could quite happily go about our daily buisness and not have to worry about you.

stick what you do best spend gold and build your walls high.
far as am concerned i'd rather fight someone who fights back. rather than waste my time feeding turtles and cowards BP>
have a nice day but after tonight i wont be feeding the federation any more colonise spots.
crack on around 400 utterly useless members and around 20 that would fight if given the chance.
tell you what send your fighters over to us and the rest of you can continue to sim it.

how you conquered 150 cities in theta is beyond me.
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Ok, tip of the cap to Christov23, Jasonhabs, Sheldonio, thalynuis, 1Guvnor, Chillzz, These guys were the backbone of the attack on me. Without them all would have failed. Their nukes, timing and everything was nearly perfect in every attack.

Now to people like Asgarrd. Remember when we tried the attack on you? Remember how it failed and we only got 1 city? We admitted our mistake and got to work on other things. Call this attack a success if you like, it depends on your outlook on things. The way i see it, when you OP somebody it is a success if you A.Force them to quit/V-mode or B. Take many cities and set back their ability to play for several weeks.

HARPOON did not do any of those to me. I was a 13 city player. you needed 100 attacks to revolt all those cities, and over 100 to conquer just 3. I have over 50k unconverted DBP. After all this i will be over 20 cities and much, much stronger. But even now i am not weakened that much. I still have most of my cities, and took one that happens to be on your would-be new WW island.

So like i said, depends on your outlook. But HARPOON used 200+ attacks to only take 3 cities from a 13 city player who will soon be a 20+ city player very soon. You have the stats but like i've said time and time again, the stats don't tell the whole story.

One last note. I congratulated my attackers, i also want to thank WL and IC and Theta and Renegades for their amazing support. It was awesome guys!! I couldn't ask for better friends :)
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your a donkey
i lost one you lost three.
do what you want with your BP build another 7 def cities dont care about or your rank federation.
and i do believe i never quit or went into VM either.
man you trully are in a dark room and it's full of manure.
see when you Man Up and start attacking then give me a shout until then go post more nonsense rules for your federation.
how long till the rest of the alliances realise it's all smoke and mirrors and your only saving your own alliance through their def.
infact i'd go as far to say that it was prob theta that suggested taking us on as a federation.

why because you know you couldn't do it your self your alliance is a fraud and a joke.


Asgarrd....Dumping your troops doesn't make you tough. You were the one person apart from Greek50 who i was not concerned with at all what so ever when i saw their attacks incoming.

I never said you quit or went into Vm, but the other players we attacked did, and more will once we gather ourselves. 1 city, 2 city or 3 who cares? Point is im not that hurt 3 cities, one being 4k isn't going to hurt me that much, and now i'll be able to balance myself offensively and defensively.

The Op was good by HARPOON is was, we just happened to be just as good if not better. Congrats to those who took my city, they were true fighters and not some kids just yelling on the forums and dumping off troops to boost their stats.

Its weird how people still look down on our Fed. or whatever you want to call us. No attacking is not our strongest attribute. The experienced are small players like me and the bigger players are new and not as informed about the game. But people are trying hard and learning. Much harder then anyone in HARPOON is trying.

Tell me Asgarrd how many people in your alliance actually took part in this OP? somewhere between 10-17 out of 66 members and only about 4 of your top 10 members got involved? If your rank said anything about your actual strength you would have rimmed me in this one OP but you didn't. All you did was take three cities and make me stronger.


No matter how much we may individually strive for perfection, the failings of man will always prevent this. All of us are risk of loosing ourselves, as we are all human. Knowing the flaws of man; we hereby choose on this day to make a conscious decision to try to rise above them and work together. We come together in hopes that we can construct an organization that is more than its individual parts. We hereby choose to use each other as council, as support and strength. The alliances of the undersigned shall forge a new path as one unit, one mind. Our fates will be locked, and our destiny in each others hands.

We hereby merge our individual alliances into one unified organization; And it shall be called The Federation of Alliances. We shall decide long term goals that will be for the betterment of all involved, and work towards them together.

Federation Membership:
World League Elite, World League Warriors and their academy.
Immortal Corruption

The Government:
*Each individual alliance will maintain autonomy of all internal affairs. They may govern those affairs as they see fit.

*Any issue that may involve this Federation as a whole must be brought before its council. Every Founder and leader of the above mentioned alliances will have the ability to bring to the council concerns and issues. They will also have the ability to voice their opinion in debate.

*Each alliance will have one official representative for voting purposes. This representative will be per-determined. This Representative will be known as a "Designated Voting Representative" or DVR. Each alliance will also announce a back up representative for voting, in the event the primary is unable to perform his or her duties (example: vacation mode).

*Any issue can be brought up for debate by any founder or leader of a Federation alliance. An official vote however, must be sponsored and seconded by any leader or founder. (One must motion for a vote. Then someone else will need to second the motion.)

*Before a vote can be taken, a 24 hour period to comment and debate must be allowed. Exception being if a delay to action by the council will hurt any individual member alliance. In that case, any of the Designated Voting Representatives can call for an immediate vote, but must state clearly how a delay will cause harm to a member alliance.

*All votes will be majority wins, unless otherwise stated in the rules below.

*Academies do not get a vote. They are considered to be an extension of their mother alliance.

*All votes are binding to all member alliances.

*No rule can be made that will interfere with an alliances right to internal autonomy unless the matter can clearly be shown to effect all the Federation members.

*The addition or expulsion of member alliances to or from Federation requires a Two Third Majority vote.

The following are our rules for the Federation. All alliances and its members are expected to follow them. Failure to do so can result in actions being taken against the offending party.

1. This is a game, we must all remember the primary goal is to have fun.

2. No Federation alliance is allowed to attack or take hostile action against another Federation alliance.

3. A dispute between two Federation alliances that can not be resolved by themselves will be mediated by a third alliances DVR. The decision of the third party DVR is final and binding.

4. The declaration of war for any member alliance on an non-member alliance must be approved by vote by the Federation.
a. Exceptions to above rule is if a member alliance suffers a non-provoked attack from a non-member alliance.
b. Second exception is if a member alliance wishes to war with a non-member alliance, and the non-member alliance is less than one third the size of the member alliance. This war can be considered an "Internal Affair War" as the member alliance will not request assistance from the Federation in fighting this war.

5. Any attack on one member alliance is considered an attack on the Federation. If a non-member alliance declares war on any member alliance, every Federation member is also at war.

Designated Voting Representatives:
Primary akazmier, Back-up jason1118

World League Elite
Primary Jillodocos, Back-up xHeinekenx

Primary Bethlen, Back-up Pete The Lost

Immortal Corruption
Primary mfabra, Back-up dorka167

if anyone took time to read this then rest assured am sure you'll have had an awkward moment when u realise this guy is full o it.
But there we are ladies and gents the mighty great FEDERATION.

and jason jason jason do you think i care. honestly????
and what if people dont like me not here to be liked. and also we can say the same over here about a more than a few of you in the leadership of the federation.
your alliance members are disgruntled about this war. which had nothing to do with many of you. but chose to step in and even up the odds LOL 7 v 1 /

and now with no gains being made into us and countless rebuilds saving their leaders cities for what no attacks back, no ops planned and when they are they are trully awful.
colonising everywhere as it's now your only option.

so instead of being here i'd sort your own house out.
and get your guys behind you again.
or this could be the shortest federation ever.


Yeah, one bad op means they were all bad...oh whoa is me our alliances can't force anyone to quit....oh wait...Yes we can!!! remember the Prince of Persia? One of your top guys who thought you alliance would back him? where is he now along with the other people saying they would never loose cities? lol i just love this post by him....

Wait all you want mate you'll never get him he can cover his own cities and when he can't well you know the power of the Harpoon alliance were a bit of a pain in the butt to get through

Its funny how you dissmiss my point about your lack of participation in your alliance and every other point i made. All you want to do is yell about being outnumbered 7 to one with 3 of those alliances being academies (Honestly your counting academies? We all know they suck)

With only between 10-17 people participating its clear HARPOON is just another MRA in delphi with leadership


Ha ha ok if that's what you think then feel free.
when 7 different alliances attack one that makes it 7 v1 regardless who or what they are.
and you'd all be as well sticking academy on the end of your names then.
and what no come back to the most boring thing ever to be typed up.
shame like even been hearing other rumours about who the fed are trying to call up into it.
really you think anyone with a an ounce of sense would read that and say hell yeah sign me up for that
Prince that was his choice
latterman as well but you see i didn't run nor hide or hit VM which must really grate you lot. 3 full days of attacks 1 lost city. and i got loads of BP from that also.
heck there was more chance of me hitting VM when it was just TM of GSA attacking me least they took cities from me

Note cities not city.
and that was only 1 alliance.
on that note i bid thee farewell as far as am concerned the war is over you lost your just to blind to know it.


OMG - you do not want to post stuff on us when we have so much better stuff on you that would get you wiped off this map!!!! LOL - Are you actually mental?????

Be VERY careful asgarrd or I'll post it and you'll be history.

I might just send Dev and Sweet that proposal you sent us that we refused....Oh wow...imagine I did that! You would be ....(how can I say) probably not here now....

We sent the copy of our charter to Stirlo because he said he wanted to join us, and then he tried to get us to turn against ONE*.... Oh egg on our faces!!!! NOT!!!! ....I am so glad I am not so duplicitious as this.
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Forget it Jill. we've lost this war. We simply cannot survive without those three cities. All is lost now. We really needed those for the war effort. they meant everything to us. I guess we will have to beg HARPOON for peace now.

lol, someone sure is mad about loosing all their troops in my harbors hehe



my child... you have truly made me laugh tonight.... and I loved all the battle points received in this little skirmish... I can only imagine that they were a very expensive 3 cities for HARPOON>..... I need 100 cultural to get a new city slot at this point and with the victory processions in addition to normal growth I got a new city slot in 36 hours... and that includes rebuilding lost troops


OMG - you do not want to post stuff on us when we have so much better stuff on you that would get you wiped off this map!!!! LOL - Are you actually mental?????

Be VERY careful asgarrd or I'll post it and you'll be history.
why would i be wiped????
if it's a convo between stirlo and someone???
and really what is this your last ditched effort to get another alliance on board with you.
and what if i do get wiped least i fought for it unlike 90% of you turtles who prefer to hide. and jason if i was upset about losing troops
then am playing the wrong game as it happens daily.
jill no point in attacking you you've probably copy and pasted all your cities into your notes ready just to add names and cities in revolt.
but then again might be worth a laugh

We sent the copy of our charter to Stirlo because he said he wanted to join us, and then he tried to get us to turn against ONE*.... Oh egg on our faces!!!! NOT!!!! ....I am so glad I am not so duplicitious as this.

and jill i only saw this yesterday which is why i posted it yesterday. if i'd seen this drivell before i'd have put it up before.
nice to see those firm backbones holding up from the other leaders imagine letting one alliance dictate all that to you and you signed and agreed to it.
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Asgarrd...weren't you going to stop posting here? Besides you have rebuilding to do, more then me because you fired off all your troops before your LS like the noob you are and then begged people to clear cities for you. Stop whining about being outnumbered, about me using premium, and about well everything, you whine to much. :p

When we defend well we are turtles. When we attack well we are only attacking people who supposedly never posted in the forum for support despite support being in their cities.

Its so funny out of all the HARP members to rush to the external forums after this one "victory" its the guy who completely failed in all his attacks. Asgarrd, you sound like a yippy little dog to me trying to say "hey im tough to!! I know how to click send attack...god only knows when everything will land but i can click buttons" Except you can't even articulate that well, i don't understand half of what you post. LOL


We sent the copy of our charter to Stirlo because he said he wanted to join us, and then he tried to get us to turn against ONE*.... Oh egg on our faces!!!! NOT!!!! ....I am so glad I am not so duplicitious as this.

Once i've moved house, i'll find those full conversations and forward them on too :)

I don't think theres anything in there for myself or any other member of HARPOON to worry about. This all sounds a bit desperate to me. Just finish the job against HARPOON and stop trying to get other alliances to do it for you.

Do you know what impresses me most about ONE* and GSA. They have both been in a long war with numerous alliances and yet don't feel the need to have 24 pages of drivel which essentially is what this has become.

Oh and finally i can confirm i've never said i wanted to join any other alliance. I've had better offers from much slicker outfits.


Once i've moved house, i'll find those full conversations and forward them on too :)

I don't think theres anything in there for myself or any other member of HARPOON to worry about. This all sounds a bit desperate to me. Just finish the job against HARPOON and stop trying to get other alliances to do it for you.

Do you know what impresses me most about ONE* and GSA. They have both been in a long war with numerous alliances and yet don't feel the need to have 24 pages of drivel which essentially is what this has become.

Oh and finally i can confirm i've never said i wanted to join any other alliance. I've had better offers from much slicker outfits.

Not desperate at all Mate. Have no need of other alliances to join us in fighting you. Seriously, it would be like bullying if bigger alliances got involved to be honest and we don't do that. That's HARPOON'S way to always fight smaller alliances, not ours. But I don't like people backstabbing us by putting our charter (that we all agreed to, commented upon and added our own ideas to in draft form - it was never dictated to us!) on the public forum. It was sent to you in good faith when we were both discussing a possible peace last week and you had expressed an interest in joining our federation. Fine, you decided not to, but why rubbish what we're doing all over here???? This is why I brought up what I did if you must know.


HARPOON have only declared war on one alliance, Immortal Corrpution and we had our reasons.

Every other battle we've been involved in was initiated by our enemies.... USD, Determined and TM of GSA.

The Federation provoke us into attacking then when we do attack its never good enough is it, what have you done offensively impressive? Nothing. We're up against a combined alliance total of 19,422,603 points, most of it defense. Congrats to anyone who helped defend Jason1118 but would you rather we didn't attack and just left you to play Sim City.

HARPOON have a nice balance of defense and offense that allows us to out conquer a combined alliance of twice our size week in week out.

This week, again HARPOON have had more ABP per player than The Federation combined. What would it be like if we turtled up like yourselves. Boring. We give you DBP and you still complain. What is it you want, a pact with every single alliance in the game?!?! Evidently Akazmier does. Anyone can join his family, he jumps into bed with anyone to save himself. Your charter was put up as Jason asked why we call you the FED. Anyway... Do you seek peace in a war game?!?! You should spend a bit more time on the battlefield, less time on politics and less time playing sim city.

29/06 HARPOON -73 - 18- FEDERATION
08/07 HARPOON -90 - 25- FEDERATION

It'll be almost impossible for anyone in Delphi to finsh a WW before ONE*. Too many small alliances. Even if we were all to focus on 1 Wonder each it still wouldn't work. I seen it in RHO where Eviction Notice merged with the #2 and #3 alliance, they built 7 Wonders in record time and they weren't even as large as ONE* are now. In RHO we had agreed to focus on 1 Wonder each yet nobody got their Wonder to Level 10 before EN built all 7 to level 10.

I'd say to stand a chance at building WW the smaller alliances need to swallow their pride and join up under one roof. Not under a Federation, but if its not the WW the Federation care about and its the fighting then bring it on.

If you can cut through that red tape and eventually get the go ahead for that OP you planned on us last month then let us know. We'll be waiting


The Federation provoke us into attacking then when we do attack its never good enough is it, what have you done offensively impressive? Nothing. We're up against a combined alliance total of 19,422,603 points, most of it defense. Congrats to anyone who helped defend Jason1118 but would you rather we didn't attack and just left you to play Sim City.

HARPOON have a nice balance of defense and offense that allows us to out conquer a combined alliance of twice our size week in week out.

This week, again HARPOON have had more ABP per player than The Federation combined. What would it be like if we turtled up like yourselves. Boring. We give you DBP and you still complain. What is it you want, a pact with every single alliance in the game?!?! Evidently Akazmier does. Anyone can join his family, he jumps into bed with anyone to save himself. Your charter was put up as Jason asked why we call you the FED. Anyway... Do you seek peace in a war game?!?! You should spend a bit more time on the battlefield, less time on politics and less time playing sim city.

29/06 HARPOON -73 - 18- FEDERATION
08/07 HARPOON -90 - 25- FEDERATION

It'll be almost impossible for anyone in Delphi to finsh a WW before ONE*. Too many small alliances. Even if we were all to focus on 1 Wonder each it still wouldn't work. I seen it in RHO where Eviction Notice merged with the #2 and #3 alliance, they built 7 Wonders in record time and they weren't even as large as ONE* are now. In RHO we had agreed to focus on 1 Wonder each yet nobody got their Wonder to Level 10 before EN built all 7 to level 10.

I'd say to stand a chance at building WW the smaller alliances need to swallow their pride and join up under one roof. Not under a Federation, but if its not the WW the Federation care about and its the fighting then bring it on.

If you can cut through that red tape and eventually get the go ahead for that OP you planned on us last month then let us know. We'll be waiting

I'd like to point out that before Asgarrds flame fest and tantrum about not being one of the people who got a city, all i was doing was congratulating the people who took cities. I said the OP from HARPOON was Good but in my eyes it didn't succeed because I only lost 2 cities. I took 2 cities last night and will have another today. I recovered my loses hours after my attacks ended and will do more.

As for us being turtles? LOL. YOUR members are just randomly attacking, they loose everything in a harbor and then its all so they can boast about having more ABP for the week? Are you kidding me? A top 5 alliance or whatever you are is just crying and crying about i don't even no what and your using these dumb moves to bloat up your stats. I don't know how long you've been in this game but if your still judging everything on stats then you really are silly.

All it is with stats with you. No alliance is as strong as their numbers say. The fed isn't. We have new players, many new players. our biggest are the new. this is their first real war and the first time we've all played together. YOUR alliance is not as strong as its numbers either. Did 60 people in HARPOON attack me? No they didn't. The numbers were around 10-20 different people with most of your top members never even taking part.

Knock off your stupid jabs about stats. You kick your smaller members when they loose cities. You dump boat loads of troops in harbors to bloat your stats and i have the reports from people like Asgarrd and others to prove it.

Nobody wanted to join your lame MRA alliance to fight ONE and build the wonders because we don't trust the leaders of HARP. God only knows it was some ploy to claim a victory. But really we just don't trust your judgment. its completely idiotic....