War you would like to see


I would like to see Dyames and Wansyth fight each other straight up.

They are the two best players in Gamma, IMO.

I'd put my money on Dya though.. ;)


With no reasoning laid out for everyone to interpret on their own, I wonder why you'd say that.

My reasoning is simple. I'm lucky enough to have the opportunity to see from an inside perspective how efficient and effective Dya is in all aspects of this game. Specific to fighting, Dya's timing is always precise, attacking tactics deceptive & deadly, accurate at sniping at both long & short range.....

I don't want to take anything away from Wan either. I also feel privileged to have the opportunity to fight w/ Wan in this game. This is way have always refered to him as one of the best players in this world. This happened a long long time ago, but I haven't met another opponent since then to make such a great impressive. He is a really cool guy too. All who know him will agree with that.

I didn't go into a in depth analysis supported by stats....but I wanted to a moment to respond to your question. Who do you think would win?


Who do you think would win?

They seem pretty even based off of grepostats. I didn't play this world long enough to get to know too many people, mostly newbies on the rim.

More points
Lower City Average (Can be interpreted as a positive or negative, honestly depends on playing style; however, it can be typically said a lower average is better as there is more population available).
Support of a much larger alliance (Still not a perfect positive, plenty of situations where this doesn't help much).
Has only ever lost one city.

74,000 more abp
382,000 more dbp (Open to interpretation)
Has the support of a much more concentrated group of players (Just like before, this may not always benefit this hypothetical showdown).
Has lost eight cities.

Keeping in mind they started playing this world around the same time, i'd say they're very evenly matched; and have support from above average alliances.

The amount of resources involved with Wanysth's 117 cities involves a lot more leeway for mistakes against Dyames's 82 cities; and judging from their almost equal abp, i'd say they'd perform equally well at attacking each other. Dyames however does have a considerably large dbp, but I don't know the situation on how it was earned- I don't know whether it sheds a good light on how well he can defend, or on how well he cooperates with a very supportive alliance. If this hypothetical fight were to go on though, and without support from their respective alliances, i'd have to say Wansyth would win. They just seem too evenly skilled at the game for Dyames to overcome his disadvantage in resources.


Hey Raurio,

Thank you for responding to my question. I do appreciate it since I know it required some time and research.

I can't say that I disagree with any points you made. As you stated the biggest advantage Wan does have is in production with more cities. I will say that I believe the delta in defensive BPs is a product of Dya benefiting from more contested sieges.

Thanks again for the response and objective reasoning. I obviously am bias to a certain degree on this, but I still would put my money on Dya :) How about we bet the min domination of currency from what ever country you are from? :)



Which is the stupid alliance which keeps dissolving? PORT. BWAHAHAHA FOOL.

Who ever wrote this I think you will find you are the fool 1st time was my fault I will admit this second time the founder (Tang) was not allowed to play and when he went ghost I did not know what would happen to the alliance so I thought it be best to start another now their is 2 founders Tang and myself all is good BY the way what is it like being a coward you cannot say who you are coward you are
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