Watching You


The deep thrum of the attack Alarm cuts through my sleep, severing me from my dreams. You are never allowed to finish dreams, here. If you did, you might remember them. Remember the real world. I rush to my computer, nearly injuring myself in my haste. He is merciful enough to break through our sleep and allow us to defend ourselves.

Big Baudin is watching us.
Big Baudin is watching us.

Wide awake now, my city safe, I go through the daily forum exercises dictated to us by him- posting, repping, and creTing threads. He is a kind god. The midsummer's breeze, breaking my reverie, alarms me- such impudence is not tolerated. An enemy spy could see through it, and check my screen.

Big Baudin is watching us.
Big Baudin is watching us.

It's true, however, that there's less of a threat of that now- so many were crushed to destruction under the might of his powerful banhammer- deceitful inner party mods, conspiring to end this. Richard, he great Manager, was the first to go- a Tribal Wars spy, it is said. He rest soon followed, all guilty of some offense, discovered by his watchful eye.

Big Baudin is watching us.
Big Baudin is watching us.

My finger's twitch, as I prepare for work, but something unexpected, something Id never seen before, just heard the common horror stories- the power goes out. The fuse box, perhaps? I get up and place my hand on the warm wood of he door- I haven't been out in years. I serve the Party, manage their armies... What purpose did anything out there have for me? With a final burst of courage, and step outside, into the sun. It's rays flay my skin like a branding iron, and I scramble for respite under the cover of a large oak. Then, in that moment of clarity, I hear it- a voice, broadcasted about the city. The voice of Sirloin, the great betrayer- Baudin's closest ally, who sabotaged him and fled, many years ago. "Come, all!" She cries. "There's a world beyond Grepolis! I can save you!" Tempted, I begin to run towards the voice. "Baudin can't see you!" the voice cries. "Don't let him control you out of fear!"
Is Big Baudin watching? I think, desperately.
Is Big Baudin watching?

Big Baudin is watching you.
Big Baudin is watching you.

The pain if he torture chambers has no meaning any longer. 10 weeks of being forced to send sword nukes on my rivals and losing cities, one by one, by his dreaded inquisitors. As I watch the last CS sail into my harbor, I whisper this:
"Big Baudin is watching me."
"Big Baudin is watching me."
"I love Big Baudin"

The webcam blinks off.
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Sorry bout the mistakes, folks, it was on my phone, I'll fix it later ;)


"Oh hey, what's in this thread?"

*Backs away slowly*


In my defense, I was mad at BT when I wrote this. Just after I finished 1984. And not particularly sober, either :p