What battle would you like to see?


I think given the location of the 4 alliances BS+DF vs. TU+Alpha would be more interesting but on the question you have asked TU with DF I believe would win that one. Mainly because it would be TU+DF vs. BS as Alpha cannot mount an attack and are not great at support either.


Haha thats kind of messed up but also a predictable response from you. I think you'd be surprised, I can see BS and Alpha really tearing it up if they joined forces. Based off of current stats, Alpha and BS would have over 5.7 mil ABP and 8.7 mil DBP while DF and TU would have 5.3 mil ABP and 3.1 mil DBP, pretty much even attacking wise but a huge gap defensively. Maybe that means BS and Alpha might be defending a little more but maybe it means that they are more experienced with defending and would be able to fight off attacks more effectively. The net result would be Alpha and BS being able to hold more cities to attack and defend with though. I'd wager on Alpha and BS coming out on top (sorry DF)


We are DF, a highly organized group of experienced players that demand loyalty and action for attacks and support.

We are a war group. Recruitment is for those that hunger and wish for war. We accept those that think they can endure our constant warfare lifestyle.

Pact's are internal - they know who they are.

To Join contact:BCAE

For Diplomacy contact:
Lightfoot1, kentish3

actualy...guys...i have big news for u: from 3 minutes ago my diavolesc plan was a big sucses. DF are out,from 6 milions points they have just 3 member now and ofcorse they don t have any forum. :)))))) so verry funny..... 3 member :))) maybe i m to bad :( , but let s make partyyyyyyyyyyyyy:pro:


I agree with Murtius, valheru would have a huge impact on the outcome of a war between BS and TU. I'd go as far as saying with valheru on TU's side they'd win and without him they wouldn't. Going on redfox's post, here's an interesting one to consider. BS with Alpha vs. TU with DF

:)))))))))) what DF??? 3 players???? pfff....for the moment no "FOREST",maybe just "defiled" :))))


bs and alpha toghether? :))) ya,it s posible if i quit the game,but till then belive me is no chanse.
bs and "defiled"?? :))) same,no posible becouse DF is out(for the moment they go to drink a vodka :))

about valheru...he s one of my good frends from grepo.we fight together from grepo.ro so i not think ever we will make war with unit.
also somethimes i have a question: if will be just bs and unit and we make agreament for war(for funn) which side will be valheru? :)) just joking guys. he s place is in TU...;)

ps:this doesn t mean i don t want him:p


ok boby, you need to give your next two for predictions mate.


Normally, based off of abp, I would say that Alpha would beat DF. However, as I have witnessed the majority of Alpha's fear of attacking any player with a backbone or a sizable number of points, I would say this war would be a draw. DF would lose some of their weaker players, Alpha would have some of their larger players go inactive, quit, or cheat (and then become banned). And then a stalemate would ensue.


The bottom 8 players of Grimm Sleepers (excluding shinigami444) vs. the top 8 players in S.T.O.P.


Grimm Sleepers... Just be experience of their tops... they exactly know what to do.

Defiled Forest V/s Defiled Forest West


Defiled Forest just because they're basically the same except one has more points.

The Argonauts - Unit vs. The Unit


lol......TU is defenitely the victor here, a classic episode of big brother kicking lil brothers tucus.

I still want to see BS and TU.
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Well, If hell freezes over and BS and TU go to war, there would be a lot of cities lost on both sides in the beginning since our lines are blurred. Once front lines where formed I don't think TU would take as many active cities as BS would because of the superior defense of BS.

One other problem TU would have is we all know which side Valhero is really on ;)

Now GS vs D3ath


Well being that we are all ready in hell, GS and death, wow, this would a battle I would like to see myself. Being that we are so near to each other, I would give the edge to d3ath but since this is so close to the wire, I will base my prediction on what I have seen and on intuition. I will give the victor to GS but I foresee alot of casualties in this war. Only the strong will survive.

SirVladamir VS valheru.ro
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Lol. I like your choice Sab. I'd have to give SirVladamir the edge in this one. No real reason really, its just he and I are friends and I just want to delude myself into thinking that vlad is the better. Either way though, that would be a tough fight for both players. Valheru.ro might actually have the edge though since this is the first world Vlad has played seriously.

Sablanzion vs. MisterMalas


Well I have to disagree I would have to say Val would would win. Just because he has way more ABP plus he's been gone for like a month. Anyway I'd have to give it to mistermalas. Just because he has more cities more points more ABP and DBP. Sry sab. I would like to see the top of BS. Such as bobytza33 vs cb627cb627 and cris kid vs sirvladamir. Also from TU rmoller vs Val