What happens to your Spies in Transit when your city is Conquered?


A mate, we'll call him Home, was spied by a neighbor whom we'll call Friend.

Friend says "I didn't do it mate-I just conquered this city! The spy must have been in transit to you by the prior owner that I just conquered."

Home checks the log against the conquer time. By his reckoning it takes 4:13 to get a spy between Friend's city and his. And the spy hit his cave after 3:55.

1. Do conquered cities lose spies in transit or not?
2. If not, would spies in transit from a conquered city return a spy report to the new owner?
3. Is Home being scammed by his good buddy Friend? He figures that with espionage researched, the spy would take 10% less time and hence 26 minutes less or only 3:47.

Revolt-Conquer rules apply.


I didn't understand much of that, but I think what you mean is this:
If a player (player 1) conquers a city (city 2, owned by player 2), and player 3 (ally of player 1) sends a spy that will land after player 1 conquers the city, will the spy return or spy city 2 (now owned by player 1.
In that case the answer is yes, the spy will spy that city no matter who conquered it in the meantime.
If that wasn't what you meant, then please reply with a better explanation of your question.


it's no problem
And I see you have a red rep bar, some +rep should fix that ;)