what is cave for?


A cave if a storage place for your silver coins.

Each level of the cave can only hold a certain maximum amount of coins.


Level 1: 1000
Level 2: 2000
Level 3: 3000
Etc Etc

However, once you get your cave to level 10 (maximum expansion level), you can hold an unlimited number of coins. You can choose to fill it up to 1,000,000 coins if you want. It's totally up to you.

Now, the purpose of the cave is two things.

1. A cave can be used to spy on other players' cities. You can choose to spy with 1,000 coins, OR 100,000. It does not matter, however, the more coin you dedicate to a certain espionage, the higher the chance your spy will be successful and you can view certain schematics of a city.

A successful spy shows the following:

- Amount of troops in the city (If there are any, OR if that player has the troops out pillaging a village or attacking/supporting another city, no troops will be shown).
- Amount of resources currently available in the city.
- The levels of all buildings + special buildings (if there are any).
- How much coins you used.

2. Of course, the cave can be used the opposite way. If someone spies on you and you have a cave with enough coin stored, and that number stored is larger than the amount of coin that was sent to spy on you, the person who sent the spy is unsuccessful. Of course, if people spy unsuccessfully on your city, you lose the amount of coin that was sent to spy on you, in your cave.


Player 1 wants to spy on Player 2.
Player 1 sends 1,000 coins to spy on Player 2.
Player 2 has 1,001 coins stored in cave.
Player 1 spy has landed and was unsuccessful. Player 1 is notified by report that his/her spy was unsuccessful.
Player 2 now has 1 coin remaining in his/her cave.

Overall, a cave is a crucial, probably one of the most essential, if not, most essential buildings to have in your city. It is crucial if you wish for others not to see what valuables you have in your city. I, and most probably everyone else here, would recommend that you have a cave in each and every one of your cities ( if you have more than one).

EDIT: I wasted my time on this, however, I hope you appreciate it. Hehe. Instead of me googling "Cave-Grepolis", I chose to write this up. However, if you wish to have more clarification about the cave, feel free to click on this link: http://wiki.en.grepolis.com/wiki/Cave . The link says it all, really. :)


a level 10 cave is unlimited, not 1,000,000.
I strongly suggest you build your caves to level 10, because their population cost is relatively small, and they are very useful.
Cryptography research can improve your ability to protect against spies, but it is not as necessary as other researches.


a level 10 cave is unlimited, not 1,000,000.

Please, JKP, re-read what I had stated. I never said it was up to 1,000,000. I merely stated that if one had the desirable intentions of filling their cave up to 1,000,000 it was possible and totally up to them.

Thank you.


The wording in that line, if you did not read the one before it, was a bit misleading (but I should have read the previous line :p )


what is cave for? Is it a really need thing in my city?

Bruce Wayne also uses it as a secret headquarters... a base of operations for his never ending caped crusade against crime.

I for one, wouldn't even dream of having a city in Grepolis without Batman around to keep the bandits, ruffians, muggers and Huns in line.


you also need to level the cave up so you can get the market. You need it at level 5 for that but i highly suggest you to get it to 10.


Useless building

Is there building(s) you don't recommend to build to not waste time and resouces?


their is none except for certain special buildings... including oracle, Merchant shop and other for some people...


Frankly speaking i don't see any use building "these oracle things". Am i right?


Many people would agree with you. Some of the larger players might build one upon occasion, however the other Special Buildings do provide more benefits.


Not much use really, even Merchant shop is better then it.


I'll be honest. The only non-special Building I refuse to build is the Library, Divine Statue & Theater.

Divine Statue - Only upps your favor production by a tiny fraction. I'm not sure by how much tbh but I don't think it's worth it. Might as well upgrade your temple and save your pop instead of use it on Divine Statue.

Library let's you research more things, however you should be selective or know how your going research your town's academy before you even start. Some things are okay to do, but most of it you should plan ahead to meet your needs (I have a universal Academy setup so I can switch from O to D if I need to)

Theater - Yes it's cheaper to get Festivals (or in other words more CP) however, the draw back it takes 5 days to do this on x1 world. So is it worth it? In my opinion no. In a faster world, this may be a different story if your a sim/turtler player. (ie don't build offense instead only defense and not worry about attacking others)

All the others can be used at times.

Left Hand Sided Buildings:

For example, the lighthouse is good to use if you plan to conquer deep into enemy territory and station thousands of biremes there to get tons of DBP. (also research Cartography with it so make this feasible)

Thermal Baths on a regular basis, decent & good players favor this because it allows you more pop which means higher level buildings/more troops.

Right Hand Sided Buildings:

Tower - Great to your land Defense. Downside is the wall needs to be pretty high level to even build this. But well worth it if your loaded with ground units instead of navy units for Defense.

Oracle - If you plan to know who spies on you without putting any silver in the caves. I don't think this is worth it because there will be at times your overlfowing with silver. Might as well put it in the cave. And I tend to avoid spy. I go in blind for the fun of it. I'm a bit more reserved early on but still go in blind a lot.

Merchant Shop - Probably one of the most useful buildings on the right hand side in my opinion. this ups how many resources you can transfer around your empire from one city. Instead of whatever normally lvl 30 Market gves, it gives an additional amount. Goes up to 22,500 total instead of what regular amount is. (I would have to look tbh) It also let's you trade more on your islands to do local trade. It's more useful in 1.X version in my opinion.


remember, 500 capacity per level or 750/level, 30x500 = 15000 ;)