What Wars Are Occurring?


So I'm just curious, what wars are going on out there in Gythium. And also feel free to discuss about them. Right now I'm aware of Musketeers vs Tiny Teddies but nothing else.


Grimm Sleepers Vs. TT
Grimm Sleepers Vs. Noctis Failure


dont forget TT vs TT hahahaaha few internal issues there i here ohh well a true war tests the true leadership :)

dry rot the worst kind huh :)

a little tip!!!!!!!!!!!! we all matter not just the top 1% hahahahaha

learn from the occupy movement even the little guys matter teddies hahahahahaahahahahahahahahah
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We've had more trouble internally than from the Musketeers attacking us... :heh:


Internal battles and politics are the way wars are truly won on Grepolis, most wars are even over before the bulk of an alliance has even lost a city which is sad. Still i expect this fight between you two to be an interesting one at the very least.


Morganty I think you don't understood what Tazn meant to say. Atm there is no war going on that's why it would be a laugh because there is nothing and it are just rumours. But what you seem to think is that we would laugh with youre alliance as thinking not capable to defeat us in a war? That's wrong you are definetly a strong alliance but that doesn't mean we are weak.
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well said Ruebn srry for not being to active i was busy sinking like 6 cs from your alliance

Wasn't that hard considering one of your players sent Biremes with his C.S

this is a revolt world not conquest :p


Now you are exaggerating man, I'm pretty sure it were only 2 ;). Don't forget we also took 3 city's of you this week. Well you guys are also back in the assault, ready for another sinking CS ;).

And what some other players do is sometimes sad, definetly not to experienced player. Well you have the luck with that, the most experienced player are on the other side of oc 65.


Hehe you mean the one on Agrimasu? It was just a try out from him, as you saw not many support with the CS wave it self. But let me look now at the city, wait it is ours now???


Go check up there colonization, TT just keep taking cities from them.