Whats going on with New Dawn?


A message from Eddy, please escuse his english, it is his second language:

Tell him :
eddy has good life than you
he knows how to talk and how to respect others

he's is still a noob who doesn't understand this game why :
first of all I play very slow but still I am faster that anyone. why ?

1)This is now all about ABP/Points. ? what this gives nothing apart of some cp.
2)I don't clear inactives I leave for all others cos my morale is very low.
3) This is the war game which demands Population. who has more cities he has much population and territory so he can't beat my population.
4)Yes I can see all the best players in ranking list what is that all best are below me still can't beat me in ranking. first of all points dont mean anything.

simple : Pop and Cities are important here so who has more cities. ?

I am always gave chances to everyone but is this my problem if they go inactive later ?
why he eats inactive if he's much intelligent? no he's not and he has no rights to make comments on me. cos first of all he doesn't know how to talk he talks trash / derogatory / you can smell racist language he has. that's why I don't talk to him much now I 've blocked him in msg.


A message from Eddy, please excuse his English, it is his second language:

Tell him :

eddy has good life than you
he knows how to talk and how to respect others

he's is still a noob who doesn't understand this game why :
first of all I play very slow but still I am faster that anyone. why ?

1)This is now all about ABP/Points. ? what this gives nothing apart of some cp.
2)I don't clear inactives I leave for all others cos my morale is very low.
3) This is the war game which demands Population. who has more cities he has much population and territory so he can't beat my population.
4)Yes I can see all the best players in ranking list what is that all best are below me still can't beat me in ranking. first of all points dont mean anything.

simple : Pop and Cities are important here so who has more cities. ?

I am always gave chances to everyone but is this my problem if they go inactive later ?
why he eats inactive if he's much intelligent? no he's not and he has no rights to make comments on me. cos first of all he doesn't know how to talk he talks trash / derogatory / you can smell racist language he has. that's why I don't talk to him much now I 've blocked him in msg.



Please stay on topic, I dont really care about Eddy and Danny and Masson etc, your all players trying to be number 1, its the game, your all good in your own right. Now Please stay on Topic


you are so right BYB. im gonna start a thread for a bs talking everyone refer to such if want to puff the chest or deflate the chests of others.