Wheel of Battle 2024 Feedback Thread

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
The Wheel of Battle returns on the 20th and will run until March 5th. If you have any questions or feedback about the thread please share it with us here.


So, second time event similar like this appear and they always give Soteria's Shrine. Why Ares Rage didn't appear in the event anymore?
I believe people will interested with that :confused:

Myrddin Emyrs

Why Bother..... oh because you lot are greedy and need more money, because the player base has dramatically fallen over the years because you won't listen to them and what they want, typical short sighted GREED...............

Tommy Shelby

Why Bother..... oh because you lot are greedy and need more money, because the player base has dramatically fallen over the years because you won't listen to them and what they want, typical short sighted GREED...............
I thought you were walking on the beach, enjoying life after that sp*nking you got on en153 ... lmao

Just keep retired bro, better for your heart , mood and tbh looking at what you are writing again, better for the whole community


More tokens and cheaper ones for the big gold spenders and let their wheel last an extra week. Give them a chance against skilled players because they all go into VM when you apply a little pressure. Anyone seen Trajan and BTJ lol
More tokens and cheaper ones for the big gold spenders and let their wheel last an extra week. Give them a chance against skilled players because they all go into VM when you apply a little pressure. Anyone seen Trajan and BTJ lol
This has always been the case. They fine when they outnumber you 5 to 1 and do not get attacked often from a significant force.
They fine keeping YOU up for weeks on end with yummy servings of canned meat.....
but the second you flip it on them or if they dont make the "BIG" team,
its panic mash the VM button because they suddenly have a terminal case of.......
"I am in the hospital for a really bad butt cramp."
"My wife is mad I Grep."
"My computer blew up."
"I gotta go wash my hair."
"Trump got elected again n I gotta put on sack cloth, throw ash in my hair, and pitch a temper tantum in the middle of the street that would make a 2 year old blush."
Maybe forego the wheel altogether and
just put tokens up on EBAY 24/7 or hand them out at Taylor Swift concerts.
I hear a lot of those guys have beiber fever.
Maybe his concerts too.... He is a He right ?
Would not want to get their panties in a wad over an accidental misgender.

Myrddin Emyrs

I thought you were walking on the beach, enjoying life after that sp*nking you got on en153 ... lmao

Just keep retired bro, better for your heart , mood and tbh looking at what you are writing again, better for the whole community
Must have missed that, game's a game I dont hold grudges, i move on, mistakes were made, that is life, im over it im simply stating the obvious take from it what you will bro.

Tommy Shelby

Must have missed that, game's a game I dont hold grudges, i move on, mistakes were made, that is life, im over it im simply stating the obvious take from it what you will bro.
Are you still in our original discord? if yes can we have an invite back there, we have a few memes we want to recuperate ? :)
Then what about you drop and show us how it's done?

Ah i forgot, the last 2 servers yall's lot dropped you got your *** handed
Have we moved on from mushrooms to the pipe?
The imaginary battles you have in your pocket with your "hands" after a heavy drag off that pipe...
Have nothing to do with Grepo.
You cant even identify "My lot" let alone walk away with positive BP.
You gonna claim to be the Queen of England next?


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I do not care the slightest about positive BP, i just know we gave you a good old rim down :) You had a decent favour setup, just a shame your brain was too small to carry on
I do not care the slightest about positive BP, i just know we gave you a good old rim down :) You had a decent favour setup, just a shame your brain was too small to carry on
Care to explain how you fought a Black Sails crew on a server they never dropped on?
Provide a single screen shot on any damn server against a single Black Sails crew of mine Virtual hippy...
Or your just a bag of rank patchouli wind akin to my back side after too much taco bell.

So you brag about hitting festival allot, and dont think positive BP matters.
What next gonna brag about all that cannibalism too?
They have a word for people like that..


"So you brag about hitting festival allot, and dont think positive BP matters."

When your enemies don't hit festivals, then bp ratio doesnt matter quite frankly lmao. Any good grep player knows that 80% of your slots are made from festivals. You are embarrasing youself, i dont even have to try
"So you brag about hitting festival allot, and dont think positive BP matters."

When your enemies don't hit festivals, then bp ratio doesnt matter quite frankly lmao. Any good grep player knows that 80% of your slots are made from festivals. You are embarrasing youself, i dont even have to try

Lets start with your claim that you mashing Olympic games does not account for 21% or better of your CP..... Doubtful.
(how many cities was that you exited BP with?) :) :) :)
Next the claim that Boosting does not account for 21% or better of your CP.... ROFLMMFAO. um.. OK... sure.
(yeah you sunk all those CS in enemy harbors right?)
But the claim that boosting + Olympic games does not collectively account for 21% or more of your CP....
If you are seriously making that claim you should get a job as a lumber jack
cause one turn of your head could clear cut an entire forest with the massive honker your face just grew.
No one with an IQ that can sustain a pulse believes that.

Now on to your basic math lesson noob.

1 for 1 BP exchange no damage tokens, spells, or walls, BP nets better than 2X CP over festival.
Thats about 19,000 res VS 48,000 res per CP
And BP does not have the heavy stone use limitation that festival does.

Res cost for festival 48,000 ---NA-- (48,000) -----NA---- 48,000 No Aphrodite cost reduction possible 48,000
res cost for 300 swords 48,900 + hero (29,340) + BP token 14,670
res cost For 300 HOPs 66,300 + hero (39,780) + BP token 19,890
res cost for 300 slings 52,800 No hero (52,800) + BP token 21,400

This is just basic simple 1 for 1 exchange and you already lose miserably at between 2 and 3 times the cost per CP.

I honestly hope you do not do your own taxes.

Now lets consider things like spells, damage tokens, walls etc.

1.Sheer numbers advantage can easily cut the res cost for CP in half.
2. the wall at 25s 141.9% boost
3. militia that gives hundreds of free deaths.
4. Hero bonuses that can reach 45%
5. Various token boosts that can stack to 40% or higher if naval.
6. Routine spell boosts of 10% to 15%.

What are we sitting at now? 10 to 1? Hell Ive nailed 20 to 1 plenty of times.
I love it when fools go to bed with LS in their harbors.
But hey "Bp ratios dont matter" Right?

All that above does not even take into account when you finally drum up the courage to send your
super duper 900 horsey nuke with cats at me and I rage it down to 300 in under a min and watch it face plant into my wall giving
Me much better returns in laughs than the insane BP return could ever supply.

Am I willing to believe YOU generate a lot of YOUR CP from festivals?
Sure if your gonna add all those bought n payed for Olympic button mashes too.
Maybe even more than all those boosts if you add them together.
But thats YOU, because like I said at the start of you running your mouth 3 threads ago..

"YOU are no Fighter and no Fighter would be caught dead on your team."
You cower in large numbers like cockroaches holed up in cities you bought with exorbitant amounts of gold
mashing the festival/Olympics buttons in-between killing 900 CS in your buddies harbor and
Crying "SPAM" to the mods every time you see more than 2 red Xs
You lack strategy beyond buy yourself to twice the size of your opponent.
You lack tactics beyond zerge opponents half your size and cannibalize CS.
You lack skill beyond using 50 sirens to time and hitting the install script button.
And from your multiple laughable claims you lack basic math skills or a basic grasp on reality.

Most of all you lack a spine or any thing of value for it to support.

"80% of CP comes from festivals."
"positive BP does not matter."
The mantra of a simmer/leacher and you aint even good at the simming.
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