Where's the banter???


You got to love the players that come onto the externals and talk a big game but won't identify themselves in game......pretty much tells you all you need to know about them.


HAha this is good xD some tension between opposing players on forum
Just what we were waiting for hehe

I have a fond memory of Thebes where there was this massive war between our alliance (SourApples turned Semper Fi) and this other big alliance, and we would be killing thousands of troops daily, and then come on the forums and laugh about it together ;) teasing and stuff

ahh.. memories


not even sure what your talking about i dont even know who you are. why would we run an op on you like we want your city that bad... aren't you in 44 from earlier post? yea not even taking cities there.

You're not? Then you need to ask your alliance members why they are trying without your knowledge. Who sends a cs without a clearing attack? Gave me a nice chunk of bp :D

Also the non revealing my indentity thing, I find it adds a bit of fun and mystery to this dare I say it..Game of Thrones. Nothing wrong with a little showmanship and pizzaz!

I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.


I like a bit of banter and i dont hide who i am but cant we alll just be friends lol