Where's the line between nudity and porn?

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Okay, so a while ago I posted a vidya of people dancing on a forum. There was one person who had boobies hanging out, and the mod banned me for 30 days because of porn. I don't blame that mod, he was just judging it as he saw fit, but it brought up a serious thought.... Where IS the line, between NUDITY, and PORN?

For some it's the same thing, but I think it's when the nudity becomes sexual that it becomes explicit.

If you saw innocent genitals on THIS forum, you'd delete it as porn, but I'm sure you'd agree that it becomes explicit when it's sexual... SO, does this mean the line isn't black and white, but more of a grey blur? Are genitals really that much of a taboo subject, on internet forums?


Well, as you said, it depends in context.

I know this is a horrible example...but:

Schindler's List had nudity in it, but it wasn't sexual at all, it was showing the hardship of the camps. If you go on down to porn websites, it obviously is meant for sexual arousal.

Definition from Dictionary.com: (porn)

television shows, articles, photographs, etc., thought to create or satisfy an excessive desire for something, especially something luxurious

Definition from Dictionary.com: (nudity)

the state or fact of being nude; nakedness


Nudity is used in pornography to achieve that desire.

That means the line is crossed when the nudity is for sexual arousal/ satisfying a desire.


The two are not mutually exclusive. Infact, they are far from it. Almost all porn contains nudity. What is important is whether or not it is porn.

You say it isn't black and white and the line crosses to be a grey blur, but isn't that completely obvious? Porn isn't black and nudity isn't white. This is a bad analogy but porn is more like a machine and nudity is a wire. Not all machines contain wires, and not all wires are in machines. I have never heard of someone asking "Hmm... Should we class that as nudity or porn?". It's both of course.


I agree with everything aicy said.
Are genitals really that much of a taboo subject, on internet forums?
No, they are in society. And the reason nudity is deleted from online forums is not because the mods classify is as porn (unless it is porn :p ) but because nudity itself is deemed inappropriate in western society, which is the dominant society on the internet.
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