Which Alliance?


Which alliance really deserves to have a spot in the top 12 and who doesent belong?
(Current top 12 August 31'st 2011)
#1: The Unit
#4: Defiled Forest
#5:Brotherhood of Justice
#6:Greek Empire
#7: D3ATH
#8:Brotherhood of Honor
#9: Defiled Forest West
#10:Alpha Academy
#11:The Argonauts - Unit

who deserves a spot out of the top 12?
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Hmm i see the future: murtius, bodnapa etc. says,
Alpha doesnt belong :D


Alpha should be on the second page by now, but you were turtling quite a bit. :rolleyes:


Alpha is very organized so they deserve a spot.

The only alliace that doesn't deserve a spot is D3ATH. Their profile even says "We accept everyone in our area."


Sorry I will have to disappoint my hate club this time and say given the state of this world alpha probably are worthy of a top 12 spot. The only alliance who is listed here who are not in the top 12 ABP ranking are D3ATH so probably they are the only alliance who don't deserve to be there. Though I honest believe this world is a 3 horse race and highly doubt anybody will overtake D3TH, BS and TU (in any rankings) until they fall or leave this world.


Sorry I will have to disappoint my hate club this time and say given the state of this world alpha probably are worthy of a top 12 spot. The only alliance who is listed here who are not in the top 12 ABP ranking are D3ATH so probably they are the only alliance who don't deserve to be there. Though I honest believe this world is a 3 horse race and highly doubt anybody will overtake D3TH, BS and TU (in any rankings) until they fall or leave this world.
Great way to put it.+rep later I have to "spread it around" true TU D3ATH and BS will fall sometime we all will and I want a answer to you out of the top 12 should be in it?
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Personally I think it would be "The Hegemony" They have already failed conquests against TU, and been torn apart and put back together again, now I'm not saying that they are weak players now, they are all the better for what they have been through, but as of right now I don't think they are really a proven leader, nor am I saying DFS is. We have been fighting, but really it's a constant battle against a weaker foe in our backwaters. So I would also put us on that list. Can't be any more honest than that.


Well I've never dealt with Greek Empire of Brotherhood of Justice, they have to be made up from disbanded alliances for them to be strong at this point, so I can't comment on them. I will say this DFS is 10th in the world for attack BP, which is not bad considering we've never been in a major conflict. We do conquest.


personally i think it would be "the hegemony" they have already failed conquests against tu, and been torn apart and put back together again, now i'm not saying that they are weak players now, they are all the better for what they have been through, but as of right now i don't think they are really a proven leader, nor am i saying dfs is. We have been fighting, but really it's a constant battle against a weaker foe in our backwaters. So i would also put us on that list. Can't be any more honest than that.



Tu once again has their itty bitty sister on the top 12. Congratulate us boyzzz!


Current to 12.

Alpha: Worth a place in the top 12 but have done little to earn the number 1 spot. YES

BLACK SEA: The real number 1 alliance in Omicron, they have fought the world and are still growing YES

The Unit: Have been in the top 3 for a long time now despite countless war so I think we deserve to be in the top 3. YES

D3TH: Have slipped a lot in the rankings, though I know they care little about points they still seem to be a struggling alliance at the moment. YES

Brotherhood of Justice: From what I have seen and heard from these guys I doubt they would be in the top 12 if there was more alliance in this world so they don't deserve to be here in my opinion. NO

Greek Empire: Perhaps the most powerful rim alliance and certainly one to watch. YES

Maelstrom: Along standing ally who are currently at war with almost every other top 12 alliance, fighting on every front so I think they are well worth a place in the top 12. YES

D3ATH: Still a slow starter and don't seem to be making much progress, I'm not sure if they are working as an academy for D3TH and feeding them active well trained members or acting as a sister alliance, again like BOJ I doubt they would be in the top 12 if this world wasn't so small. NO

Defiled Forest: The head of the SW power house, they have been in the top 12 for a long time now and although their diplomacy is a little confusing they are worth their place. YES

Brotherhood of Honor: Same as BOJ. NO

Defiled Forest South: Same as DF YES

The Argonauts - Unit: The new boys of the top 12 steadily moving up the ranks and as a rim alliance doing well, they are probably where they deserve to be (right on the edge of the top 12) but I'm sure they will keep growing. YES


Perhaps we should put a list of past, next to a list of current alliances and see whom has payed the toll so to say and dissappeared from the list, and whom has risen to the challenge.


Actually Murtius, BOH has fought like hell to get where they are. All you have to do is look at the stats to see that. For an alliance that is merely months old to reach the level they have is impressive. BOH isn't in 65 though so I have no doubt that you haven't seen much from them.


Murty probably won't see that for awhile but I support the No BOJ and YEs BOH.

Although I myself also know little about them.

They just don't seem to be active in any major wars.


Actually Murtius, BOH has fought like hell to get where they are. All you have to do is look at the stats to see that. For an alliance that is merely months old to reach the level they have is impressive. BOH isn't in 65 though so I have no doubt that you haven't seen much from them.

Mate all the alliances in the top 12 are just months old as this world is only months old. BOJ from what I have heard about them (from their current and past allies and people from within the alliance) avoid fighting big alliances and only kill off smaller weaker alliances in their area.

Both BS and D3TH asked you guys to join them in fighting each other and both were turned down, actually D3TH were told time and time again that you would join the war when you had finished conquering some inactive cities. You never joined that war, why?

You try to keep diplomacy with all the big alliances near you so you don't have to go to war with them. Are we expected then to consider you an elite alliance worthy of a top 12 place?


Yeah. I agree, Major wars are the most fun. Who cares about surviving? I just wanna launch and receive attacks.......

*cough* Ew.


You know this is what most people think about a alliance this just struck me they think if they are ranked number one the guys have tons of points and abp and dbp they will never fall that rings a bell hmm............Lynx!!!!!Yeah they did it and god people wanted them to fall this made all alliances attack them then they teamed up with another then leadership (you know the story)and so on so to let you know Bs, Tu, Alpha etc. WILL fall no doubt about it thres always a first time for something.