Which Iota players do you miss?


I'm here...or at least I'm back.

Atalantia is the one that I really miss. She was a awesome person and was great to talk to. My right hand girl and a amazing leader/diplomat.

I met her over in the USA while doing a BASE jump. Shes ok but says that she wont be comming back to grepolis.

All of you really made me want to cry when I saw this, especially you Baslisk as you were always one of my closest friends and confidants within the alliances, so I came back to Iota. You'll find me as my original name of Atalantia over in ocean 68 with the city of Kalosis. Rebuilding is hard, but of course, we all must suffer through growing pains. As for this name of Ldy Megeara, I'm up over in the world of Chi as well.


And yes...that really is ME...Atalantia up there in that post.