Why shouldn't I conquer on my own island?


It says in all the help and forums that you shouldn't conquer cities on your own island. Why not?


It says that you shouldn't conquer too many on your island, Not ' you shouldn't '.

Theres many military views of having too many cities on the same island.

Example ; Having 4 cities on the same island, may make it more defenceable, but it'll require more work, and may not reach any of your other citys ( in other oceans ).

Distance is one fact ; Having your citys so close to one another, makes the time it costs to another city increase, lets say your city is in ocean 44, and you've got all your citys in ocean 46, It'd make sense to have some in ocean 45, so the distance is limited more.



In epsilon i made the mistake of getting 7 in one island, and its a small one, they are less than 20 mins within each other! I REGRET IT.....BADLY
Farming is painful, i lost all my inactive farms and i reckon it slows you down, since i moved to other islands with a few more i am finding those cities are actaully growing faster.

You shouldnt have too many cities on one island, but you must get rid of all threats on that isalnd and make them your farm


It says in all the help and forums that you shouldn't conquer cities on your own island. Why not?

See the trouble is you only get 8 farming towns per island, so the conventional logic is to spread yourself out and and get as much farming resources as possible.

My advice to you would be your 2nd conquer should always be off island and that you shouldn't have more than one city per island until your 5th city. This allows for a really good growth from all those extra farms.


2-3 cities on one island max (unless there is a giant juicy inactive on an island that you have several cities on, then you should take it)


I disagree with everyone... that is why I have 22 cities on 4 different islands all cities within 2 hr transport of each other at 1 speed... Keeping up enough troops/resources has never been an issue for me...


it comes down to play style. a more active player will find that multiple cities on one island is bad because he is limiting the amount of resources he can farm


if they need to hold festivals every day, then they are not fighting enough...


if they need to hold festivals every day, then they are not fighting enough...

Not everyone has a turtle up strategy.. and get lucky enough to be fed defensive battle points at your rate.

Yes, for defending it is easier if your cities are close to each other, for obvious reasons. You can take very minimal losses by quickly moving units to stack the city that is being attacked. Its cheaper to rebuild defense because it stacks.

If you are in a relatively inactive area or a more offensive player, it is impossible to get enough resources if you are taking more than 2-3 cities per island. Attacks are expensive to rebuild. If you are using resources to make units, and run festivals, you will find yourself short a lot.

A good strategy for multiple cities on one island is to split their structuring so that they are not all going to have to build at the same time. For example, if you have 3 cities on one island, you may build one with all land defense units. This city would be stacked with upwards of 400swords/600archers/800hops, or whatever your strategy is. The second city would be pure biremes, having 250~ or around there. The 3rd city would be pure offensive, having 40~ light ships, transports, and then whatever balance of offensive land units you prefer. With this strategy, you can use the defensive land city to support any of the other 2 cities if you need to. You can also use the biremes to support. Generally you will only farm npc's with the defensive land city and trade the resources to the other 2 cities for training. When you attack, you will lose units in the offensive city, and your other 2 cities will not really need resources. When you defend, you will rebuild in the 2 defensive cities, and use your offense city to farm.

I actually recommend 2 cities per island at least, one land defensive and one land offensive. Offensive is always best used in mass. 1000slingers do more damage than 2x groups of 500. However, when you use your offensive city to attack it will be completely empty. This means the no farming on the island until you get rebuilt. It is nice to have another city still on the island to farm with while you are rebuilding the units.

But this is my style..


There isn't always just one right answer, and these answers depend on quite a few variables. To properly and fully address the question would take a few thousand words if not more.

I will keep it short and simple without going into much detail. You start with 8 farming villages providing 6005 resources per haul, assuming you farm them once a day that is 48k.

Conquering a 2nd city on another island you will increase potential farming village resources by 100% to 96k.

A 3rd city on another island provides 144k potential for a 50% increase.

A 4th city on another island provides 192k potential for a 33% increase.

A 5th city on another island provides 240k potential for a 25% increase.

While a new city on a new island always provides the same 48k per day bonus, the benefit in terms of your entire "empire" grows less with each new city, and past 5 islands it starts to drop pretty low. You must determine when the benefits of location and distance beat the benefits of increasing your resource production from farming villages, and the variables are going to be ones that are specific to you.

While we can derive some absolute truths that always apply, the OCP is different for each player, each situation.

So in short, the best we can offer someone new is try as hard as you can to avoid expanding on the same island when you first set out conquering, until you understand the system better.


Taking 3 villages per island is usually the way to go as you can have 1 offensive, 1 defensive and a naval base all in 1 place and all ready to assist each other when needed.
The arguement about farming goes out the window once you have your resources maxed out and warehouse.


Yes... I haven't received a single attack since the 19th of this month...


I would say it depends on your playing style, however there are distinct advantages to 1 town per island players. Also if you are in a decent alliance, eventually your Ocean will be owned by your alliance and you will be limited by distance if you have not spread yourself on multi-islands - solo'd island bases are only good for distance support, not attacking and you can support just as well on multi-islands, but also can attack better. A good series of islands with 3-4 others is much better than 1 person per island for resources, defense, etc because your can rebuild and re-stock faster due to farming. Farming on 6 separate towns on 6 separate islands gives you 6x48k resources to do what you like with (build resources, festivals, etc) rather than 1x48k with 6 towns on 1 island (you lose 5x48k resources= around 200k!!!)....massive difference. With well positioned towns you can defend yourself just as easily and attack just as effectively than if you where mainly on 1 island. If your an attacker, then you will get more BP much faster due to quicker rebuilds. You also do not have to rely on solely BP to gain culture during silent times (while your enemies recover to give you free BP again ;)).

So in summary, if you have th time and farm (and you should farm in ALL your towns under 30 towns) then you gain very fast culture from resources. BP attack/defense will still come regardless of town builds, its just you can recover faster from major hits if you have 1 town per island.

There is also a big dis-advantage if you have many towns on 1 island. Although it'll be hard to kill a fully loaded player with several towns on 1 island, eventually they will loose once their forces deplete. Players who have 1 island per town can gain faster resources to build forces and move the resources around their towns to build/queue much faster than a 1 island player.

These are not just opinions - theses strategies have been tested on a few in-game players ...1 island players Vs multi-island players.


Q: What stopped the best generals and campaigns in warfare?

A: Logistics/Supply

A simple way to put it is that if you spread yourself to thin you will loose because you have poor logistical positioning (unable to support in a timely fashion). I personally am a proponent of multi city islands and moving in a deliberate manner. Using synergy of city build specs will minimize the effects of having multiple cities. E.g. Naval attack and Naval defense on a minus stone island (the N.A. city has excess stone which is shipped to the defense city offsetting the lack of stone to build biremes).

Just my 2 cents.


Q: What stopped the best generals and campaigns in warfare?

A: Logistics/Supply

A simple way to put it is that if you spread yourself to thin you will loose because you have poor logistical positioning (unable to support in a timely fashion). I personally am a proponent of multi city islands and moving in a deliberate manner. Using synergy of city build specs will minimize the effects of having multiple cities. E.g. Naval attack and Naval defense on a minus stone island (the N.A. city has excess stone which is shipped to the defense city offsetting the lack of stone to build biremes).

Just my 2 cents.

While your reasoning makes sense and also the fact that there is nothing actually wrong with having multiple cities on an island...the main drawback is actually in the fact that should you farm from various cities, the farms hate you, the player, and not the city.


I say its a matter of personal opinion and how you play the game, I for one have a main base island with 17 cities on it, this is all defense except for 2 cities which contain counterattack units,from here I have outposts on all the surrounding island with farms 1-2 cities on each of them. I have all my defenseive units in the center and all the offense units are created on the outposts. Ive survived over a month of 7vs1 and am currently on day 6 of 22 vs 1 so if you are planning on pissing peaple of I recomend this strategy as solid. If you plan on working closely with a very offense oriented alliance I dont recomend it.



How many cities you allowed in the entire game?