Why so many less Cities for Players Now?


Hi. I just started my first city about 6 days ago after taking a few years off from grepolis. It's been a while since I've played and I've only been back a few days so I might be wrong but it seems that there are a lot fewer cities controlled by alliance members now. I was in an alliance and even though it was mid-sized at least half of us had 10 or more cities. Those with fewer cities were given tons of assistance to help grow them. I've looked at some of the current alliances and it looks like most of their members have just 1 city, and their top members have 4 or 5. Have there been rule changes that make it harder to get more cities? Did I miss a world war that destroyed most of the old empires? Just wondering as I'm trying to get all the facts before committing to any Alliance. Thanks to anyone who can offer up some info. Respectfully, Fargolis


I don't play Zacynthus, but nothing changed in the way cities are gained... and are you saying you came back to a world you played years ago? Because I don't think Zacynthus has been around that long....


This world has only just started my friend, Maybe 5 weeks now, this is why.


Thanks Shadis. I was saying that I haven't played grepolis in several years. The world I've started in, Zacynthus, is the one I'm restarting in:)


OK, thanks! I had no idea this world was THAT new. Good to know and appreciate the info. I guess I'm just going to have to pick an alliance based on gut instinct. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Pick an alliance that looks good. You gotta test things out. If the alliance you choose sucks, find a new one.


Yea I know that's the smart thing to do but always hated the idea of switching alliances. Makes me feel disloyal but I know that's not really the case. I've got a couple of invites already and another day of beginner's protection. I'll decide tomorrow. Now it's Friday so have to plan out my bar schedule. Cheers!


The syndicate are dominating so I would´nt reccomend joining any of their enemie´s.