Will Vendetta Survive?


Doesn't matter where we took the cities from. In the end the scoreline reads.. clocks 3, noobs 0. And Noobs strongest fighter quit after being under attack for 24hrs.

I guess NOOBs don't even know how DBP is calculated in Grepolis. Maybe go read some help and you can educate yourself.

With due respect to CM, I dont think it is really fair, Carpe was very far away from noobs and they still managed to support him in time... If you had a player (even a big one with 30 cities) in NOOBS core, I doubt he would stand long either...
No offense, but put it in perspective, I am not trying to say you did a bad job in taking cities, just you can put blame on alliance 25 hours away...


With due respect to CM, I dont think it is really fair, Carpe was very far away from noobs and they still managed to support him in time... If you had a player (even a big one with 30 cities) in NOOBS core, I doubt he would stand long either...
No offense, but put it in perspective, I am not trying to say you did a bad job in taking cities, just you can put blame on alliance 25 hours away...

Agreed, no denying that. But it wasn't our fault NOOBs decided to take carp in knowing Clocks are fighting him.


It's a special feature only PRO greopllisers get to use, extends the maximum time of a CS by 12 hours. Sorry Thizzle mate you ain't on our level yet.

Yeah you must be PRO grepolisers to not know that a cs can max travel 48 hours

Also the PROness shows from your unescorted attacks at us -

ohh btw, did you figure out yet how to tripwire cities properly, or is it still a guesswork? :p



Thizzle, I have to say everyone has their own hacks... some people can spy with rock or wood and others manage to send CS over 48 hours!... It is just like that...


and believe me tripwiring cities is one complicated thing... Wonder how anyone manages to explain it... It is too complex for me to grasp ;p


Corey you still have lot to learn padawan.. I am an alpha tester testing 72hr CS.


You sign up to the new test?

Triple Speed CS's with unlimited distance. They have more food and man power on the new CS's so the guys sailing the boat don't get tired after 48hrs and die of starvation


Wow... its like in Achiliss... you get those cool extra storage for food... then again, you guys donnt think that 170 ppl could survive more than 48 hours with so little food