Maccat, I didn't check Pool B stats. Just did and figured why are you still complaining
I don't think it is unfair anymore. Like if we have to judge alliances on cities gained, then when Villainy has gained 54 cities after having only 58 players and RO has gained only 58 cities when they have 84 players, Villainy does receive the pat on the back!
You can see you would have been given the benefit in terms of city losses too. Had you lost only 15 cities and Villainy lost 11, you would have been given a higher score despite losing more cities. But then, RO lost too many cities (17) to even score on that count.
I'm complaining how it was done not the result. For all I know we come out of it marginally better. It's just crappy stat analysis. It's nice to see that Villany is doing something but they are half our size and at the moment we are still handling a large merge and frankly we are doing ok with it. It's nice of you to harp about our slowdown when we we are consolidating but I didn't hear how well we were doing before the merge all I heard was the V2 propaganda machine whine and complain when a group of alliances got together and how dishonorable that was ... I never laughed so hard ... what Grepo have you been playing? Any alliance with ties to no one that is a threat to individual alliances tends to get people to put aside their differences and work together. You just didn't wish to work with anyone and it hurt you. That was your choice not mine. You never saw me come on here and make fun of the situation or your players like you guys have and believe me there were plenty of silly attacks or city builds that we found that you guys had done. You just saw RO do it's thing and play the game.
I'm proud of the effort my players have put in and all the hard work they have done to consolidate a large merger. It wasn't easy as the numbers show compared to what we accomplished in the past.
Now back to the stats ... if you had bothered to check the math Czar the alliance that benefits the most with doing it properly is V2 so your attacks are just personal and not based on any fact at all and is just you using what ever number appeals to you. The point I was making is that Villainy who gained 58 cities compared to our 54 didn't change the the total much .... we remain twice their size. I will take that until the end of the game, the point is they will have to do a lot better to catch us and that is the real comparison.
As for the OP, yes he did a lot of hard work it is just that he came to the wrong conclusion.
Oh Czar an increase of 58 cities while losing 17 after a big merger and people deciding to leave, thanks for that info I actually thought it was worse. BTW do you care to tell everyone what RO's record was prior to our merger against you ... most likely not but I forget in your world we gained that only because others were dishonorably attacking you, something you say to every alliance that was involved in attacking you. One last point on your view of the stats and how you see what you want to see ... RO losing 17 cities compared to the number of cities it has is actually a much lower average than Villainy losing 11 to it's total cities ... just an observation how you like to make statements that sound good but have no real basis in fact ... BTW there was an alliance that increased it's city total from 1 to 4 based on your view they win
You might benefit from actually reading my post on what is actually wrong with the model used, like I said V2 benefits the most from it but your too busy to find a way to attack me that it is lost on you.
Anyways I got better things to do than come on this forum and listen to V2 players say how great they are and how everyone else is stupid ... oh rats a bad word ... no you prefer to not use the "S" word but find some other passive aggressive way to actually imply the meaning of that word so you feel better about yourself.
If the OP wants help for the next stat. analysis for the overall community I will be more than willing to assist him with the proper formula but I'm certainly not collecting data or this.
P.S. sorry for the long post I had to repeat myself several times so that the point hopefully gets through