World wonder time!!!

  • Thread starter DeletedUser19569
  • Start date


Its world wonder time baby!! what are everyones thoughts on those alliances who have started construction and what will happen.:D


So is anyone trying to hinder D.N. Diehards or TH in there world wonder construction? these are the top builders and the obvious favorites of now. Also just wanted to point out my own alliance, Achaemenids, who, despite being significantly quiet smaller than the rest of the competitors, are making great progress.:)


Well, progress doesn't matter anymore, WW era is released, and this is real talk son.12, 12!!


i was referring to our progress on our world wonders.:)


1 D.N. 39669869
The lighthouse on the island of Pharos at Alexandria 2 45
The Pyramids of Giza in Egypt 3 45
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 3 45
The Tomb of King Mausolus II at Halicarnassus 3 55
The Statue of Zeus by Phidias in Olympia 3 55
The Colossus of Rhodes 3 45
The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis in Babylon 3 55

2 Diehards 23415691
The Pyramids of Giza in Egypt 2 33
The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis in Babylon 1 34
The Colossus of Rhodes 2 33
The lighthouse on the island of Pharos at Alexandria 1 33
The Statue of Zeus by Phidias in Olympia 3 34

3 Titans Hammer 22574915
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 1 64
The Tomb of King Mausolus II at Halicarnassus 1 53
The Statue of Zeus by Phidias in Olympia 2 64
The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis in Babylon 1 64
The lighthouse on the island of Pharos at Alexandria 1 53
The Colossus of Rhodes 2 53

4 Braveheart 17697217
The Colossus of Rhodes 1 65
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 1 65
The Statue of Zeus by Phidias in Olympia 1 65
The Tomb of King Mausolus II at Halicarnassus 1 65
The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis in Babylon 2 56

5 Achaemenids 3329605
The Colossus of Rhodes 1 25
The lighthouse on the island of Pharos at Alexandria 1 25
The Statue of Zeus by Phidias in Olympia 2 25

6 H SPARTIATES 19112583
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 2 44
The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis in Babylon 2 35

7 Nameless 7874801
The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis in Babylon 2 47

8 No Name 18399791
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 1 36
The Statue of Zeus by Phidias in Olympia 1 46

9 Black Watch 5160944
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 1 63
The Tomb of King Mausolus II at Halicarnassus 1 63

10 MightyBrutalWarSmashers 12572369
The Tomb of King Mausolus II at Halicarnassus 1 54

heres what it is now..:)
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it has not been updated..can do if you like..although it seems as if no one else cares to share there trying to liven up forum..haha


Hey, I share my thoughts, what am I, chopped liver??:pro:


haha...certainly not..

but it would be nice if we heard from some leaders or something. You know, give us the inside scoop..or something..:) I do appreciate your input though.


DN is going to run away with this...nobody wants to attack them

since this is the case....we are going to dump our resources into their ww sites and finish this no-win game

if however - some alliances want to work together..and attack them as a unit..then we will work with them

contact me for details

notice that we have not even started a WW site....we would rather be last ..than second


waaaa!!! are helping D.N. build there wonders? thats sooo not cool..why cant death squad do something? The game is far from over.


DN is going to run away with this...nobody wants to attack them

since this is the case....we are going to dump our resources into their ww sites and finish this no-win game

if however - some alliances want to work together..and attack them as a unit..then we will work with them

contact me for details

notice that we have not even started a WW site....we would rather be last ..than second
We can tell becuase thats your name rather be last ..than second but why give them the recorces ?


HAHAHA! So you guys claim to be dumping/sending us resources? I'm touched.. rotfl!

Ever tried to hit the send button for resources if you can find any on another alliance's WW? Try it mate and get back to us on this thread for we'd like to know and see how that is possible.

People here at D.N are laughing at you mate, laughing their butts off... sheesh! And I don't think your allies are gonna side with you cause you'd embarrass them even more, especially after the statement you made of resource sending.

Try this name for it makes more sense- 'Rather come last than bark'
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we are gaining cities at the same rate as DN

we are the most active alliance

our point is nobody is going to be able to catch them..they lead or tie on every wonder and have this game locked up

if nobody is gonna attack their sites - which is going to take a major effort by several alliance - what is the use

you can criticize but are you doing anything about it

i thought not

we were told that you could dump resources to any site - that is not the case and we were mistaken

for that - i admit we would have to go through channels of sending to a player that would have to dump them

anyway - this ending of the game in a few weeks is VERY disappointing - I had expected it to take months to build a wonder - looks like it takes less than two weeks - i am very disappointed and will NOT play a world wonder game again

waiting on the hero worlds


If the world is going to be over in a few weeks, why continue to take cities? If world of wonders disappoints you so much why continue to play on it at all? You could just go ghost and be done with all of it...

not many wonder servers have been completed so people are still trying to figure out how to wage an effective war and build/protect wonders at the same time. As time goes on players will learn how to manage both and we will see AoW servers lasting a great deal longer.

It takes alot of resources to fight DN so building a wonder is a much cheaper way to go about finishing the last few weeks of the server off (if indeed it ends as fast as you are thinking).

oh and please keep in mind you are keeping up with DN in cities taken simply because we are keeping up with EVERYONE elses wonders at the same time, not something I would brag about to be honest.


the "keeping up with cities" was just a statement to show how active we still are...

i have been preaching for months that the top alliances needed to merge months ago before this situation happened -

DN has increased on level per day per wonder - it could be over so quick

i think the game developers need to rethink this stage of the game


Hi clivestraddle,

The only reason D.N are taking it away are because we concentrate on the game with highly active players and with due respect that's the absolute truth.

We want to go to the Hero world and we work very hard for it. It's hard work but it's paying off, innit?

Have a good day my friend and best of luck with your alliance's WW.



The DEATH SQUAD (or whatever they're called nowadays) 'No Wonders' strategy is suicidal, ie zero chance of victory.

If they built at least one Wonder ahead of D.N., and three other alliances did the same, then at least D.N. would have a fight on their hands, and DS would have some (all be it small) chance of victory ! D.N. would have to destroy one of these Wonders to be able to complete 4 of their own.

Surely the entire Death Squad alliance could build one single Wonder faster than D.N. can build 4 !!! (or are they less active and capable than they claim !)



Hi clivestraddle,

The only reason D.N are taking it away are because we concentrate on the game with highly active players and with due respect that's the absolute truth.

We want to go to the Hero world and we work very hard for it. It's hard work but it's paying off, innit?

Have a good day my friend and best of luck with your alliance's WW.


everyone goes to hero world

the reason you are winning is two factors

your alliance is working together

the other alliances are not

nice combo and congrats - anyone with a pulse...can go to hero worlds and we will see you there


Clivestraddle i will be seeing you in the Hero world its going to be fun If you know what i mean