Script MOLE HOLE - (not only) Reports Converter



link: MoleHole

Report Converter
- Convert all reports (and not only reports) in the game to bbCode format









Additional emoticons
- a lot of emotikons




Quick Start (how to use):

1. In the report, you click

2. You go on forum and click

3. Normally you do entry by clicking

and more ...

Direct Install Link: MH_install.user
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Coding is nice enough, but damn, thats the ugliest thing ive ever seen

The taking over of the menu is a mess, misaligned and haphazard, really ugly, so first move is to disable it, but it cant be fully disabled so you still end up with a blank clock, an a huge "options" button that isnt needed.

The converted reports when pasted are also pretty ugly, the background scroll, all very unnecassary.

So nice job on the coding, but the presentation is ugly, will put people off using it.


Coding is nice enough, but damn, thats the ugliest thing ive ever seen ...

I did not pay attention to the presentation and writing it until I learned to program.
Today already knows a lot and still I correct mistakes.
If indeed be useful and used, perhaps the rest I'll work on cosmetics.
At the moment I'm doing (I'm learning) database and the statistics of the game.
However, on autumn I expect some major changes in script ;)


Like i say, the coding is great, great set of tools all integrated into one script. ;)


Dear English community,
I am closely following this thread witnessing "deja vu", as Tropsy's comedy unfolds again.
Unfortunately, the plot is exactly the same, just the "publicity" changes.
I feel the need to take a stand and make an official announcement in behalf of GRC (GRCRT nowadays) development team.

At first, when GRMH appeared on polish market, anpu (present co-developer of GRC) offered mr Tropsy cooperation seeing how he struggled with his website and script's loading time on his free hosting. He offered him space on his server with the possibility of having a subdomain or transfering his own (if he decided to buy one). Tropsy rejected that offer and anpu asked no more. Two weeks later anpu and I joined forces.

At the beginning when I accued Troopsy of stealing, he stated that since GRC is an extension to a browser game, his script aims to be extension of my extension.

I let it be for the time being and got busy with anpu developing new version (3.0.0), clearing code of old and unused functions etc etc.

In the meantime Tropsy's "creation" was evolving and our programmer quickly started making a "career" (at the expense of me, anpu and GRC of course). To ensure succes of "his" script and to keep growth of newcomers, Tropsy wrote following lines of code:

if (typeof RepConv != "undefined") {
if (HMole.Set.power)
$.each($("div.gods_area .god_container div.new_ui_power_icon div[name=counter]"), function (e, t) {
if (HMole.IsPotOnBoard == false)
if (document.getElementById("grcgrc") != null)
document.getElementById("grcgrc").src = HMole.Home + "img/octopusp.png";
HMole.IsPotOnBoard = true

When asked what would possibly be the reason for such a behaviour, answer he provided was that "if you dont like it, you can disable it".
(for those unfamiliar with javascript - quoted code above REMOVES buttons added by GRC to replace them with GRMH adequate).
Tropsy assumed that since his script already has all of the GRC functions plus a few of his own, users do not need to use GRC anymore.
Let alone the fact that average script user does not even know such an option exists and/or needs heavy explanation on how to install and use such a script, asking that user to disable or remove a script is.... well, "silly".

We were way too long kind enough to tolerate existence of this script, knowing that biggest part of this project was simply a plagiarism. We would point out certain "flaws" for Tropsy to fix (for example why script refreshed all the data every 500ms knowing it'll slow down browser), hoping that would change his heart. Of course Tropsy just kept on going ignoring us completely...
On forums he played smart and experienced, but via PM he kept asking "how do I do this" to the point we were forced to block him.
That was a turning point as it was obviously way too late for any dialogue, so all communication with him has been severed and we sought justice with Support Team.

Bottomline here is that GRCRT team will not have anything to do with Tropsy and from our point of view doors to understanding are sealed shut.
We do respect each and every player that uses our work, thus the need to share the truth with you.

At the moment of writing, Tropsy Krett's script is forbidden in Germany and Poland and his forum accounts are banned in those countries (for trolling, flaming and multiaccounts).

with all due respect,


I can only agree Potusek. This player is a shame for all those who are trying to improve this game. He steals code and provokes the authors. It's very disrespectful.
Yesterday he posted his script in the German community. I wrote that it is a plagiarism of the GRC(RT) and then it has been deleted.
This player wrote to me via personal message in a provocative way that he will also copy my script. (he has already done probably)

greets, DIO


I think that this script (so far) is underdeveloped and unpolished
but it is still just a prototype of what once wanted to do.
Probably no other classes will force me to work out the details.
(but rather after the holidays)
Most important is -if someone likes these reports, they can be pasted on the forum.

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
For the time being Mole Hole will be considered an illegal script. If you are currently using it I would advise uninstalling it until it gets reapproved. If it's creator would like to message me I can explain why it is now considered an illegal script.


The script does not run temporarily due to a problem with the certificate.
Problem The set will be repaired soon.
You can be sure that you can use the link:
and there is that "Connection is not safe"
... to the "Advanced" tamper
and then "Add exception"

Refresh the game and will run :)

when exactly is going to be fixed? because i cant get it to work and im following the steps that you said


Anyone able to see temple overview with mole hole or is it not supported?


Anyone knows why does Mole Hole does not work any more? I tried to add it's permission as exception but did not found where on my chrome. I know I did it some time ago and it worked till yesterday.


// ==UserScript==
// @name Mole Hole -
// @version 1.33
// @author Tropsy Kreets
// @namespace GRMH
// @description Expansion for the Grepolis game
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @include https://*.grepolis.*/game*
// @include https://*.grepolis.*/start?action=select_new_world
// @icon
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

I've had problems with this and other scripts (have isolated this script as being an issue) since October 2010 and I always keep up-to-date with all the version changes.

There are major problems with caching, so clicking doesn't respond on a regular basis. In Chrome it's not as bad as Edge (don't like Edge anyhow).
In Edge is just goes into inactivity and I have to close the browser.
I constantly have to clear the cache and sometimes that can be up to 50% of all the clicking I do.

I've enjoyed the scripts for some time since I came back into the game end of 2018 (I enjoyed the game more when I first started, but time dictates that I have to use scripts)

I don't get any problems if all my scripts are switched off, but then that ruins the gameplay for me.