Premade : Noctis Venators


We are hunters and killers of night
aggression will spread our blight
To the farthest peaks Heaven
to the deepest caverns of hell
Even all of the almighty gods will not stop us
Some might say our expedition is pointless
a mere journey for money and lust
but its not that its our journey to become more then mortals
go past god limits! we live and dye by our blade
we were once men just made
now we will be gods of destruction and mayhem
bringing death to an island near you

Join us don't miss your opportunity to be a god in Grepolis

We are hunters made to destroy our enemies
no trader will be dealt with kindly and
all allies will be protected with great numbers

I am only interested in

-active players
-players who can work well with others
-in game experience or willingness to learn
-players active on alliance forums
-players willing to be aggressive and supportive
-be Loyal members

NoctisVenators4 - najmanji.jpg

i am a experienced player and a successful leader anyone who joins i will lead to victory or die trying

Current member list



-true might

-Philip Rinaldi







to apply for our alliance reply to this post ps our alliance also has a skype Skype


  • NoctisVenators4 - manji.jpg
    NoctisVenators4 - manji.jpg
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Good luck, see you in the world, ill give you guys a run for your money ;)

what direction?


I am joining the world as well, hoping to bring some of my current alliance along. Also putting this out there as I always seem to get 10-20 invites with no mail first. PLEASE DO NOT INVITE ME WITHOUT ME SAYING I WANT TO JOIN. I always make MRA alliance's my first target. If you are interested in joining me, I am not using the advantages I had in the last world, as I am set on proving the ignorant people who think I was cheating wrong. I will be straight out flying out number 1, staying there, and taking down anyone who gets in my way that I am not working as an ally with. Don't worry though, MRA's I don't target alliances until I am sure it is one, and when I run out of unallied farms.


you will not get any gold for inviting members that have played this game, only for newly made account.

Oh no, it's Caesareth!

If those people who have past accounts make a new account then that will be possible.

Caesareth which position are you joining?? I wanna play with you this world.
Using gold isn't cheating..... The others are taking you as an example of gold abuse they aren't telling that you are cheating...
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'I don't want the gold ill just buy my own its just the best way to make sure everyone together :D and i have a invite premade

yes i want to join your alliance

And govind ill add you to list...govind285 is your ign right