Wow Oh Wow, this server is horrible... WTB new server!!!


Well my previous post predictions were correct, where every top 10 alliance tries to be friends with top dogs instead of good old competition like any other war game.

There is already 3 legions and all of them are in top 10... along with 2 wing alliances (myridions)

Not to mention Legion having many other close friends like Athenian elite (I predict will be Legion V) and confederate states (Legion VI?), so probably over half of the active server is probably legion...

Hey Gaiz! Why don't we ALL be Legion, that seems be be what all the cool kids are doing! Lets all play sim city with no competition(or very little). I mean staring at build timers is so much fun!

God, unless something interesting happens on this server that guarantees its long term longevity, I'm going to start on the next new server ASAP.

(Gah and I wasted time filling all those forms for free gold that I've used under the name Bob Dole...)


As of this moment

* Legion I profile states both LEGION II AND LEGION I I I as sister alliances.

* LEGION I I I profile states Legion Myrmidon and Myrmidon Elite as Wing alliances.

* Athenian Elite and Confederate States are both either pact members or close allies to LEGION while sharing a great deal of overlapping territory.
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When I was little and didn't get invited to a party, I decided the party obviously sucked. Then I grew up. The end.


It's not a question of whether a party sucks or not, it's a question of whether the party is good for the neighbor hood in the long term... obviously you missed my point.


Legion 1 and 2 are the only real legions. Any others can post wtv they want, doesnt mean its true.

As for everyone being friends, the number 1 and 2 alliance are at war with the number 3. Then again, you might already know this, since youre in 1 of 4 KOTOR wing alliances. Hypocrite much?


Um magikarp you might want to read your alliance Alliance profile... it says sister alliances of Legion are Legion II and Legion I I I

If you read Legion I I I profile, it says wing alliances Legion Myrmidon and Myrmidon Elite.

Please refute the facts I've just listed.

Also, whats up with the personal attacks? I do not condone the actions of my alliance leaders. Despite the fact I might not agree with my alliance recruiting practices I do owe them a debt of loyalty for taking me in when I was new and teaching me the basic and advanced principles of the game.

Also how am I a hypocrite when I joined Kotor when they only had 1 other sister alliance.

You can criticize my family alliance all you want, heck I might probably agree with many of your points too. But please stay mature and keep personal attacks to a minimum.

Also keep in mind that your opinions due not reflect the opinions of your leaders, and that applies to me as well.

Anyways, please refute the facts I've just listed.
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Myrmidons are not related to us. We do have a mutual, peaceful understanding with them, but we do not share forums or extend leadership with them. The fact that they changed their name to something similar to ours has nothing to do with them being a wing alliance (even though the creator of our profile may think its similar) No different than being on good terms with any other alliance.

Just to get this right, you think that kotor 1 2 3 and academy + their allies is fine, yet accuse Legion of ruining the world? If you were so against this, then dont be a part of it isntead of complaining about it on the public boards like people care.

Using your party example, its like calling the police to complain about the party youre a part of.


did you even read my previous post? Or are you too flustered to accept the fact that you are in a huge MRA (just like me)

The difference is your leadership takes in HUGE already matured alliances, while my leadership takes in "academies"

I do not condone (Accept and allow, if you don't know what condone means) both practices, and I will not defend both practices... however since I'm not "leadership" I can't do anything except state my observations.


Did you not read my post? Ill try to shorten it.

Youre saying the problem with this world is people being in alliances that are "huge mras" yet you are one of those people. How is this not hypocritical?

Your ignorants is also astounding. The players Legion do or do not recruit have little to do with "taking in huge mature alliances". This is an outsiders assumption and ignorants at its finest. If this were the fact, our battle points wouldnt be as high as they are, as battle points dont carry over after recruitment. We also wouldnt have the most conquests in this world.

Im done with this convo anyways. Good luck finding a world where alliances dont make friends as they deal with their enemies, especially if you join the exact alliances you wish didnt exist.


And let me repeat the fact that when I joined Kotor they were only 2 alliances.

Kotor I and II.

Also let me repeat it is through the help of Kotor members and their knowledge did I learn the ins and outs of the game mechanics in grepolis thus I owe them a debt of gratitude and loyalty.

I also HAVE come in terms with the fact I am in a MRA which you seem to not acknowledge yourself.

Now lets get to the whole point of this post.

Iota is pretty much an ideal sim city server due to virtually zero competition and everyone trying to be friendly with top dogs.

Sim city server = dead server (in any war game)


I don't understand. Your alliance is at war with LEGION/LEGIONII. So you are, in point of fact, playing a war game.

If you want to make things more interesting for yourself why don't you just provoke one of us. My guess is things would get really entertaining for you if you did something like that.


yes I bet it would be entertaining to go against people who had a month head start over me and are about 20-40 hours away.

Like I said, this is the first time I've played this game, and I've only been playing Grepolis for a little over a month.

However I have seen servers like this one die on other games similar to grepolis before...

Am I the only person worried about the health of the server here? :heh:


Am I the only person worried about the health of the server here?

Iota will just join all the other dead worlds. However I thought gamma was dying but then Carpe Jungulm came from nowhere. You never know what to expect


This is the exactly why I never make friends.

Friends weaken war games.

so you can ALL go to hell.

except of course for my buddies in LEGION and LEGION II, and Legion I I I.

and my friends in Legion Myrmidon II, Legion Myrmidon, Athenian Elite and Confederate States...

as well as my buddies in the BLACK FLEET, the guys I know in Karnage, the cool players of KOTOR and KOTOR II... the zany band of brothers in Have You Seen My Camel..... the various non-affiliated players I've come to like and any one else powerful enough to stomp me out like a crippled cockroach on the kitchen floor.

But other than THAT.... you can ALL go to hell.
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Legion had a shared forum with Myrmidons wheni was appart of the alliance, they also take in lots of stray cats as well, big hugs all round.


Hey... did I or did I NOT tell you to go to hell?

Well mister?

answer me.


except of course for my buddies in LEGION and LEGION II, and Legion I I I.

and my friends in Legion Myrmidon II, Legion Myrmidon, Athenian Elite and Confederate States...

as well as my buddies in the BLACK FLEET, the guys I know in Karnage, the cool players of KOTOR and KOTOR II... the zany band of brothers in Have You Seen My Camel..... the various non-affiliated players I've come to like and any one else powerful enough to stomp me out like a crippled cockroach on the kitchen floor.

But other than THAT.... you can ALL go to hell.

Big hugs all round :)