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    • Criki replied to the thread Top 8 (Post BP).
      In other words you want the whole world teaming up against PPU so you guys can comfortably control all the o44/45 and o54 dom islands...
    • Criki replied to the thread Top 8 (Post BP).
      and don't forget exiled, 134 players in total while everyone else plays with around 40 =/ Cringe
    • Criki reacted to TromboneTom's post in the thread Top 8 (Post BP) with Like Like.
      If stooges and polish dont work together world is over in a month, looks like EN hasnt changed its only gotten worse
    • Criki reacted to Fearless's post in the thread Top 8 (Post BP) with Like Like.
      id say more disapointing is the term id use. after seeing compotik gold 'gold' for the entire time ive played i was hoping to see them...
    • Very early in the server to make 100% accurate predictions but here are my 2 cents so far, I wish the best of luck to everyone here and...
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