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    • DrVeil replied to the thread Enacting Sea storm.
      Short answer: Daily bonus gives instant 280 favor. Long answer: Favor farming (look up the hero Heracles)
    • DrVeil replied to the thread Top 12 My Dymoros Top 8.
      everyone that plays seriously uses that, no I don't count that as using gold.
    • DrVeil replied to the thread Top 12 My Dymoros Top 8.
      not sure what you mean by 3 players per account.. I barely want to play on my account I can't imagine the horror on a friend's face if I...
    • DrVeil replied to the thread No gold world.
      done olympics less than 10 times.
    • DrVeil replied to the thread No gold world.
      Very sorry to burst your bubble, but there are people in the top 10 (and even more in the top 20) that do not use gold at all other than...
    • DrVeil reacted to jameslongst's post in the thread Gossip, feed me gossip! with Like Like.
      Boosting is gross. Botting is gross. The game isn't dead.
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