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    • il.brutto
      il.brutto reacted to Baudin Toolan's post in the thread Legacy Worlds with Like Like.
      So far the survey has only been completed on the EN server as it was run here first to make sure there were no issues with it. So I...
    • il.brutto
      il.brutto replied to the thread No gold world.
      Any point mentioning... that a new business model without GOLD.... but with an entry fee to the server/world ALL players pay this...
    • il.brutto
      il.brutto replied to the thread Legacy Worlds.
      @ Baudin Toolan Any early indications from the survey, that you feel you could share at this time? :)
    • il.brutto
      il.brutto replied to the thread Legacy Worlds.
      Personally, I would like to hear what those with a 1000-plus cities have to say. That's the top 15 odd players. If not the top 30...
      • 20-06-2024  - Possible End Game.png
    • il.brutto
      il.brutto reacted to Baudin Toolan's post in the thread Legacy Worlds with Like Like.
      We haven't taken a stance one way or the other on closing these worlds yet but we do get questions pretty frequently asking if they will...
    • il.brutto
      Grepolis players on Legacy Worlds. We wanted to ask players that are still playing on these old Worlds what you think about them and how...
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