Recent content by Shock

  1. Shock

    Ideas for a no-gold world and how to make it happen.

    Why let other people bother you though lol, how does what they think impact you or your gameplay at all? A little more in play than just being active / good with alarms, but yeah -- f2p can definitely beat golders
  2. Shock

    Ideas for a no-gold world and how to make it happen.

    I assume you play revolt ... maybe give CQ a try If you're good you can beat 99% of golders (I know because I've done it) Also, I don't think saying the players that spend all day playing are the ones complaining -- it's really only the trash players that complain about gold I'm well aware...
  3. Shock

    Fiasco United vs Sons of Dracula

    Because to my knowledge, the leaders aren’t there lol, it’s just some fiasco players, which is why it isn’t fiasco
  4. Shock

    Fiasco United vs Sons of Dracula

    Just because a few friends are playing with each other doesn’t mean it’s Fiasco lmao, that just means some members of Fiasco are there — which is completely different
  5. Shock


    We won lmao, crowns mean nothing I already got a crown so idc about getting another Maybe someday you’ll get carried hard enough that you’ll win again
  6. Shock


    Personally idc about the crown -- we already beat you and all the alliances you hugged Ah yes the "moment they are ruined" when we beat you a few days later, checks out I was on a month long vacation in another country lol, like congrats on seeing that I'm VM?? Haven't played much in about a...
  7. Shock


    At least we won :) don’t see you winning anything recently
  8. Shock

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    Your idea for change would effect both modes, so CQ would also be relevant in this case That makes absolutely 0 sense, should people who are better at timing and can get more attempts not be rewarded for their superior game knowledge and tactics? What you're proposing would lower an already...
  9. Shock

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    Well considering other people can also use those same things, yeah it takes planning and strategy ...... For example -not that I think you would be able to do it, but when timing on BabaNewtron or WizzieBoy on en146, if we didn't lock birs within a minute our CS was 90% chance already failed...
  10. Shock

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    You realize that timing on anyone semi-decent takes strategy, planning, and teamwork right…..
  11. Shock

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    Yes it’s quite obviously in response to your suggestions Golding troops isn’t really an issue in the game lmao, just gold block them, and definitely suggest something more realistic to happen than Inno limiting the number of gold someone can spend in any given time period And if the number of...
  12. Shock

    En151 Top 10 - Pre BP

    that's pretty impressive tbh
  13. Shock

    En151 Top 10 - Pre BP

    Resume is complete Huge implosion from GG -- always knew it was gonna happen
  14. Shock

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    If you're too **** to deal with golders just say it lmao And yes, let's remove the ability to time attacks from the game bc of some cooldown -- brilliant
  15. Shock

    Crashes and sloots
