2.0 update survey results


Hello players,

The Poll for the survey has come to a very conclusive result:


78.6% of all 1.0 players who voted said yes to Grepolis 2.0. Only 21.4% decided that they do not want the new 2.0 features. As a result all 1.0 worlds will be upgraded to 2.0 in the near future. If possible we will try to update them before Christmas. An exact update date will be given soon.

Some people were angry about an optional second question if you selected "no". The results above do not include the information of the second question as it seemed misleading to some players. The percentages represent only the first choice players made: Yes or No.

Thank you for voting and giving us your feedback.

Please leave your comments about the poll here

P.S We apologize for mixing up dates for the poll ending.


The Grepolis team.
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