2 city on same land farming!


Hey guys as you know in v1.26 we can farming with both of 2 city on same land but in 2.0 we cannot!!! I think there is a problem with that because i didint see any things about that, if i knew that, i didint conquer that guy? and wiki still says when you conquer some1 from your land you can farm with both cities;

On the same island as one of you other cities

You can not farm efficiently with 2+ cities on the same island(we can farm with 2 cities)

I hope mods can fix it or gimme back my CS and other stuffs...


You don't have to open 2 threads..
As I said before you will not get your CS or resources back. also on the 1.26 version you'd share your farming villages, so it's kind of obvious that is still the case on 2.0


You can farm with both cities, you just can not farm very well. After all, 2.0 isn't that different from 1.26.


While the having two cities on the same island may be detrimental to your farming ablity, don't forget you will eventually need to control the island, out of necessecity you will have more than 1 city per island in many cases.

You will not get you Colony Ship back, and there is no fixing it, it is designed that way.


build the city as best you can and get an alliance mate to conquer it A.S.A.P. so that you can conquer a replacement city on a different island.


Its good that you posted that here, I wasn´t aware of that, Also thought that i was going to be able to farm with out problems, because farms share mood, but I demand not loot, I didn't think they shared timer al well, that sucks.


Farming in a second city ?


I was wondering how the farming works you have a second city ?
If your city is on the same island, can you farm twice ?
Or if not, is it better to go on another island ?

Thanks for your guidance !


There are two ways to get resources from farming villages in 2.0:

- Demand: You can demand as much as you like with as many towns on your island as you like, the only limitation is the time interval which you can choose when demanding.

- Loot: Same as above, with the additional limitation of having to wait until the mood has risen again to the point where you don't risk a revolt. Whilst waiting for this, you can however continue to demand.


You can safely demand with your mood below 80% (or 64%, depending)?


You can safely demand with your mood below 80% (or 64%, depending)?

Yes, you can always successfully Demand assuming you don't have a timer from a previous Demand, Loot, or Recruitment.


I realize that you can demand. What I am asking is whether or not there is a chance of revolt while you are demanding. Basically, if the mood in the FV were 1%, and you demanded from it, do you have any chance of it revolting?


Not that I've seen. I've demanded constantly with the mood as low as 16% without every having an issue.


Impressive, didn´t know that, that changes my game strategy in a very big way then.
Had I known this from day 1 of 2.0.....


There will never be a revolt from demanding too much, and there will never be a revolt when looting at mood 80% and above (64% and above with diplomacy researched), even when using the -96% option when the mood is down to 64%.