3rd time is supposed to be the CHARM


So rumor has it that lowkey from the elite alliance HaVoC has blown 3 CS attempts so far.... Would anyone like to clear this up as I dont think lowkey will enter the forums with all that egg on his face... MY dying of hysterical laughter will be on hold


holy cow, I laughed so hard when I saw that.... not yet but soon as I was a bit away from the fun but am putting myself in a position to be apart of it..Anyone knows me knows my rep for fighting on the frontlines and I would not have it any other way....


Just wow...He talked smack and then fails three cs attempts, just wow...



My two cents, he for sure will come back when he finally gets a city and again, the same trash talk will start all over again. lol


Hey he is learning the hard way that words in the forum affect you in game thats why i just mess a round and spam the forum and keep the in game action to myself and the person i target.


You haven't seen me due to the holiday weekend. I have been away from the game as well over the weekend. I do get your plan it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you want to keep me from getting a second city to make it easier to rim me. So this time i put nothing in the forum, and told nobody that i was sending a colony ship until after it was in the city. I will find your spy, and when i do i will rim them myself.

So I guess your plan to keep me limited to one city has failed. The good point about multiple failed attempts is i have the culture for a third city as well. As soon as my colony ship that is in queue is done it will be in the water as well.


Did I hear someone call me?




A little thing I learned in life is you only bring people down to make yourself feel better.
If you have the need to make yourself feel better you obviously don't about a lot self confidence.

You would truly be better if you had the capability to be more mature and let the noobs be noobs, let actions speak and play grepolis like a pro!

This goes for all party's by the way :)


I was just asking if he really failed with 3 cs attempts...I have never made fun of him or said anything insulting to anyone...As far as spies go I knew nothing about your cs attempts before they were sent just afterwards but I definitely have a few HurtU fans in your alliance, but that does not mean they would spy for me....


So this time i put nothing in the forum, and told nobody that i was sending a colony ship until after it was in the city. I will find your spy, and when i do i will rim them myself.

So,,, no one else knew of your actions but you and only you. But.. a spy found out about it???,,, anyone else have an issue with this???
Maybe you've got a split personality, or bi polar disorder.... maybe I'm just reading it wrong....


double talk only works on stupid ppl which is why you caught it roadstar lol


I think he was talking about not telling anyone about his fourth attempt, even if that is true, it is a little sad that he had to make a fourth attempt.


James Bond infiltrated HaVoC and stopped LoWKeY from world domination.


This proves what I said days ago. same old same old LoWKey. Noobs get a CS in at the second try. It looks like what LoWKey defines as "elite" or "veteran" needs to try 4 times to get a CS in so he is a "4 times attempting" type of veteran....


nah dont think that was it...I think he let his pride and ego get the best of him and instead of taking an easy city he went right for the jugular against deathwish... but hey if it would have worked it would be a whole different thread we would be chatting about... I appreciate they gitty up though and it is nice to see other alliances playing offense for a change....

I will say this though I know it is going to be alot of fun between havoc and us in the next couple of weeks...... However good stuff dont change I bragged before I came to this world, I bragged during and I will most definitely be bragging after :D


anyone who right off the bat just randomly gets near their max recruitment limit is NOT in any way elite...sorry guys same with double allinaces. as for attacking with swords might i suggest using them as support next time? or at the very least using chariots or hops if you must have some kind of defense in your city?


just an impartial bit of info for everybody who may not be too familiar with this game,

3 failed attempts + 1 successful attempt > 0 failed attempts + 0 successful attempts

lowkey may not be the best attacker in grepo history, in fact he may even suck a bit (we've all seen/heard about it :p), but if he's got more cities and more troops than you then perhaps... meh, nevermind.