9/11 remember the day


Im not sure where to put this, so i will just put it here. I hope thats ok.

On the tragic day of September 11, 2001, America was attacked by the militant group called Al-Qaeda. They Hijacked 4 passenger airliner jets, and aimed each one at important government and civic buildings. 2 at the world trade center, 1 at the pentagon, and 1 at the white house.
The 2 planes that hit the world trade center, or "twin towers", and killed 2,606 workers, firefighters, and police. Many more would have died if it were not for the brave men and women who charged into that crumbling building trying to save as many as possible.

The plane that hit the pentagon killed 125 men and women, some of which were soldiers, but most were simple office men and women serving there country.

The last plane was retaken, and forced to crash safely in an empty field in Pennsylvania, by the brave passengers that gave there lives to save others. There were 40 on board i believe.

This was truly a dark, and sad day for America.

My parents remember that day well. They were headed to my Grandfathers funeral (he had died just 2 days before it happened). My mother tells me they turned on the tv just in time to see the second plane crash into the tower. She tells me she could hardly believe what was happening. My dad says he was just shocked.

Most people can remember what they were doing when the first two planes struck our nations world trade center, like my parents. Personaly, it is but a fleeting memory to me. I believe i was in 1st grade that day. I remember a teacher comming in and saying to turn on the tv. The planes had already crashed, but we heard the after news report. Im ashamed to say I was to young to understand what was happening.

I make this post to honor both the victims, and the heroes of that day, but also for another reason. For all to remember. We must not forget that day. The lives just taken away, and those who gave their lives doing what they can to help others is something we must remember. We honor them just by remembering. I ask any of you to spread this with everyone you know. Let those that died live on in our memories, and our sadness.

Feel free to comment on your own 9/11 experiences. Share what you know. If you have a family member, or know of someone who sacrificed themselves that day, tell us about them if you wish. So they may be honored, and remembered.

Ut sint memores in cordibus nostris

thank you for reading,
Micheal Clark

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