A Solution


I'm going to try my hardest to not include my thoughts and feelings about 2.0. I swear.

With that being said, I have thought of a better solution than cussing up a storm on the forums and rage quitting.

Why not release the source code for 1.26 and make it open source? If Inno wants nothing to do with it, why not put their hard work to use instead of letting it go idle? You could even set the terms to leave a tasteful ad somewhere with a link back to grepolis.

Mind you, I have no idea what the system requirements are nor operating costs to run these servers. BUT I am sure there are like minded folks out there that run their own apache server(s) for the fun of it with storage and bandwidth to share... And I am sure the game itself can be scaled down to make servers more feasible. There is no reason why the community could not come together to keep the game we have invested so much time in alive and kicking.


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I'm going to try my hardest to not include my thoughts and feelings about 2.0. I swear.

With that being said, I have thought of a better solution than cussing up a storm on the forums and rage quitting.

Why not release the source code for 1.26 and make it open source? If Inno wants nothing to do with it, why not put their hard work to use instead of letting it go idle? You could even set the terms to leave a tasteful ad somewhere with a link back to grepolis.

Mind you, I have no idea what the system requirements are nor operating costs to run these servers. BUT I am sure there are like minded folks out there that run their own apache server(s) for the fun of it with storage and bandwidth to share... And I am sure the game itself can be scaled down to make servers more feasible. There is no reason why the community could not come together to keep the game we have invested so much time in alive and kicking.



I do not think releasing the game source code is a good idea for the players or Innogames. Also I think you may underestimate the costs of running and maintaining a server. It is not simply buying a server and the issue is over with. It costs a lot more then that. I will not be explaining the "overhead costs" of innogames in this thread so please do not ask "how much more?".

I do not want to sound offensive, but to address this issue I had to be a bit direct. I thank you for your interest in our game billotronic, but I do not think this is an feasible option.


Bill! You're still around?

Good idea, but I can't see it happening. Most of the code used in V1.x is still used in V2.x. Version 2 stil uses the same building blocks and is primarily a changed interface. Many of the elements of the game such as the buildings are unchanged. Release the source code, you give cheats the tools to work around the controls in place.

The greatest fear that has led to the opposition toward the change is based on the possibility that people who have built up their empires will lose all the work they have put into them. I can't see many people leaving their established empires to start over on one of many boutique clones. It is the whole overcoming thosands of players that can never be recreated with a server that only caters for a hundred players.


some of the vets just dont like the interface and farming etc, i wouldnt care about losing my empire if i could play a proper server

another possible solution would be for inno to open just 1 new 1.26 server, with anyone from the current ones both here and the other grep community's and any new players who have good taste joining maybe it would be financially viable...you could even charge an entrance fee


Way to think outsie the box there billotronic.

I remember the first online mmorpg back in 1996 called Meridian 59 that did that to great success after they also made a less than favorable 'update' that their loyal player base weren't keen on. In fact, it's still running today, 15 years later....

Unfortunate but understandable that Innogames wouldn't allow it to happen.


Priscilla- took a long break then when I deleted my facebook I needed something to fill the void so I ended back up here.

Thank for providing the best answer of the bunch. I did not even think that soo much of the code would be relevant to the 2.0 servers. It makes perfect sense... And it is a hurdle that cannot be over come. Thanks for being the party pooper!

To the rest thanks for at least entertaining my thought process enough to respond. Boy I don't like 2.0 but what can ya do?


Welcome back Bill. I too have recently returned after a 'not as long as yours' break.

Priscilla - party pooper has a nice ring to it. I might use that sometime!

Grepolis V2 is mostly an interface upgrade. It also has several new features. Underneath that, it is the same game. I'm not really sure what some people are so adamantly against.

Sure the farming system is time consuming if you want the maximum benefit, then so was the V1 system of sending 5 attacks on each village and waiting for them to return. Even worse was the waiting until your troops returned from an attack or waiting until you had retraiined enough troops before you could start farming. The ability of a pure naval city to farm is an added benefit.

Some people complain about the new interface, even saying it causes the game to run slow. Until very recently I was using an 8 year old copmputer and had no problems at all (I swear I'll never again connect blind power connectors while on the telephone). The map based interface seems more natural to me. Looking over the cities I am going to conquer or destroy rather than the buildings I have to upgrade. Although having just cleared the remaining cities on my island, it seems that some are more confortable in the more enclosed environment. They can have that by simply not closing the city overview window.


As I see it, the problems with interface and farming is thus. With farming, you need to build up over a thousand troops before you can get resources from all 8 villages. I dont really care about farming them all, but i want to be able to trade with all of them. So, before you can farm with that "pure naval city" you need to build a full offensive troop nuke. Why??? If i already have a market, why must i conquer a village to trade with with it?
As far as the interface, it is pretty and all, but is not conducive to the techniques of attacking and defending developed by veteran 1.26ers. the troop movement drop down box is useless when faced with 100 or more incoming on a city with attacks popping up every minute and while you are trying to identify a CS amongnst those attacks. For one, the drop down movement menu is not sticky, it goes back to hidden when your cursor moves ever so slighty off it. To me, the 1.26 city overview with the right sidebar is a superior interface as far as defending goes.
Another thing that is horrible about the interface, any time you are quick refreshing instead of refreshing the overview you may have opened and want to refresh, it goes back to the windowed city overview. If i have command overview opened and am quick refreshing while attacing or defending, closing the city overview and reopening the command overview is a real pain and a waste of precious seconds.
I am not sure i explained that right, but it makes sense to me.


The 1,000 troops requirement to conquer the last farming village can be made up of almost all ships. You can use a few horsemen or chariots to whitle away at the defending troops. They do not rebuild. Generally there will be only 3 or 4 farms you actually trade with. No need to conquer more than the useful ones. Then you have the advantage of being able to get those few resources you are short instantly from farms rather than find another city to send them from.

I've never had many incoming attacks while playing 2.x. If I did, I would use the administrator's command overview which isn't much different to the older version. The right sidebar in the 1.x version is just as restricted as the dropdown list.

The default startup with the city overview can be annoying sometimes. A single click closes it. Or if you are more adventurous, you can go to settings and turn it off. A 'refresh the window' button could be a useful improvement. Maybe somebody could suggest it.


ok....so...how do my ships reach the inland farms???? i have played several 2.0 worlds, to my knowledge this is erroneous


Huh? Until farming villages start defending with biremes, you have no need to send ships.

The troop requirements to take farming villages is the number of troops you need to own. You can send any amount to attack the villages, you do not have to send everything. You can meet the 1000 troop requirement to take the 8th village with 120 biremes and 10 horsemen (total 1010 troops). You can then send the horsemen to attack the village even though they will only kill a few of the defenders. You then retrain the horsemen and attack again. Repeat this until you have killed all the defending troops. Then the village is yours.

Naturally the more land troops you train, the more efficiently you can achieve this task.


The 1,000 troops requirement to conquer the last farming village can be made up of almost all ships. You can use a few horsemen or chariots to whitle away at the defending troops. They do not rebuild. Generally there will be only 3 or 4 farms you actually trade with. No need to conquer more than the useful ones. Then you have the advantage of being able to get those few resources you are short instantly from farms rather than find another city to send them from.

again, how do you send navy over Land to the villages?


Huh? Until farming villages start defending with biremes, you have no need to send ships.

The troop requirements to take farming villages is the number of troops you need to own. You can send any amount to attack the villages, you do not have to send everything. You can meet the 1000 troop requirement to take the 8th village with 120 biremes and 10 horsemen (total 1010 troops). You can then send the horsemen to attack the village even though they will only kill a few of the defenders. You then retrain the horsemen and attack again. Repeat this until you have killed all the defending troops. Then the village is yours.

Naturally the more land troops you train, the more efficiently you can achieve this task.

So basically you tell me that I will have to build those horsemen tenth of times in order to kill those troops. Multiply this by 130+ (the number of LS and biremes cities I have) and you will realize how thrilled I am at the prospect. God!


If you have that many cities, why do you need to farm? surely you are self-sufficient, and wouldn't some of those cities you have be far enough away from any wars so you can focus on non-combat building?


If you have that many cities, why do you need to farm? surely you are self-sufficient, and wouldn't some of those cities you have be far enough away from any wars so you can focus on non-combat building?

Wow, Do you play this game?, he needs farms to build world wonders, I believe it takes 1 billion resources? That should be obvious, I figured 1.26 players would be "grand fathered" in and not have to conquer farms, People who farm a lot I am sure have "improved" their farms on occasion that should be enough.


I do play, and no, 1.26 player would not be 'grand-fathered' in with the update. But someone who took over an account with that many cities should be able to shuffle resources around easily enough to take over the farms. Training a few horse really shouldn't be that much of an issue, and upgrading the farms won't take long either.

And farming isn't required to build wonders. All you need is an active alliance with large players who can spare the resources. Cities under the control of large players are already maxed in terms of their size for an optimal configuration. What resources are needed are for rebuilding troop losses, and most of those resources can be shuffled between cities. So again, why is farming a major issue for a large player?


I occassionaly farms a few islands, the concern is not farming, the concern is trading. Since you need to conquer the farms to be able to trade with them(why idk since you already have a market for trading) people will need to sim away and build and send troops to farms just so we can trade...trade away excess stone in LS towns, excess wood in slinger towns, etc.
Everyday i wonder more and more why i give my hard earned coin to a company that has no idea how their game is played.

oh...and there are very few "non combat" cities in Theta, at least in the alliances engaged in the world war.


If you have that many cities, why do you need to farm? surely you are self-sufficient, and wouldn't some of those cities you have be far enough away from any wars so you can focus on non-combat building?

In fact I have a lot more. 268 cities on Theta right now, to be precise. And I do not farm, but I use some of the villages for trading resources. To trade with those villages I have to conquer them first. And out of this 268 cities , 75% are on the front line. And those in safer zones are used to build defense in order to reinforce the front-line cities. So all of my cities are pretty much used for combat.

I do play, and no, 1.26 player would not be 'grand-fathered' in with the update. But someone who took over an account with that many cities should be able to shuffle resources around easily enough to take over the farms. Training a few horse really shouldn't be that much of an issue, and upgrading the farms won't take long either.

What do you mean by taking over an account? I am assuming you are talking about someone else because I've started Theta with this account and I built it from scratch. And it could be easy to shuffle resources for someone with higher markets, but not for me. All my cities are designed for combat, so the market is level 12 at most. It's way easier to trade with the villages on the island than to send resources from a city to another using a level 10-12 market.
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Ok fair enough, you need them to trade with, but as you say, there are certain excess resources that you need to trade away for other resources. However, only some of the farms then would be of use to you. If you have excess stone on an island that has a low amount of silver, take over only those farms which give silver for the stone, and so on for other islands. Not all of the farms will be useful and so won't need conquering. I would take a guess that many 2.0 players likely conquer about 5-6 of the farms. Some may take over the 7th, but only a small percentage of players take the 8th farm likely.