A Tribute To Ithaca


So by the time you are reading this, Ithaca has already shut down (12th of September). I do however want to say this has been my favourite world in terms of exciting-ness and probably the most interesting for me. So I wanted to take a few moments to remember all the amazing alliances and players that were around in this world and a much more brief thought for the MRAs and playpers we have rimmed together in this world. I wanted to give a few words of praise to the people I have known and played with and those that I have heard of and observed from a distance.

Deus ex Birema - Well I have Never seen an alliance that worked that well as a team, amazing leadership, amazing players, teamwork, skill level and awesome personalities of all players.
Riot - I actually applied for riot and they declined me :D. Probably for the best. lol. They looked like a Monster from the outside but fell quickly - some still survive.
Inglorious Basterds - They were never a fan favourite and were the people you always blame and also were labbelled MRAs for a LONG time... Funnily enough I won this world with these awesome ppl.
The Vargananian Basterds
- Before the Coalition merge because I feel TC and TVB were both cool dogs who need their own credits. :p Anyways Like IGB, infact these were the infamous brother alliances who won this world. Cool dudes, no one stood out which is a good thing because they played as a unit. None of the 1 man army BS. Poopstan though... this guy, he is way too underrated. Playing 4 worlds at once and leading 2 alliance and a council in the other 2 whilst every one of those alliances doing well? You need grepo talent for that.
The Coalition/Grimm Sleepers - These were the best snipers and defenders in the first half of Ithaca and they have been again an underrated alliance. Bear90, Storarus, Nivrap, Fabulus, Jordail, James of the North, some names I remember seeing from TC ALOT. Merged into TVB to create TVBC. A Solid team at worst and a WW contendor which would've been my guess but they went for the easy option. Which I still like :)
As Athens Burns - Nodcrush... The only guy I remember is nodcrush. I can't remember anyone else from there. Yet they were rank 2 for a good while... oh my... oh and Trojean, yes the 19 out 20 cities should be off. guy :D
Legion of Heaven- Honourary Mention. Good rim alliance. Iced comes to mind :p
Republica - This was a weird one. Created some of the BEST grepo players... but the alliance was a fail. lol.
Wolfpack/The Berserkers - Well... awesome players but luck wasn't on their side and got themselves screwed into a losing battle. The players were class defenders and honestly even though I call em out alot, I do think they are very good players.
Skiis - okay worst alliance ever. If they were in the core for a week they would be a dead wreck. Lucky because they were on the rim. Thats all, no one worth mentioning from here apart from their diplomat.

These are some of the more amazing skilled players outta this world:
Lord Leif
and MANY, MANY MORE from DeB that has been a great friend and taught me something or another.


and as I said many more, but these stood out to me in my stay in IGB. I remember the amazing players outta this beast but I never knew them well so didn't put them here...

The Smilodon Fatalis (AAB)
The Phonoi
Chris Strickland

Awesome players who made this world what it is!!

NOW, I want you guys to remember all the cool memories of this world that you have.


Ithaca was my first world. I was only there for 3 months, but it was a great experience,and I learned a lot and met some good players/allies. I recognize quite a few of the names above, most were enemies, a couple were once allies.


Ithaca was not my first server and wont be my last but...
It was the most conspiracy filled server along with of lies and propaganda I have played.

In saying that after nearly quitting a few times I made it to the end and continued friendships and made many more throughout the server.

Big ups to anyone who made it through all the dramas!

Thanks to all those that made this server more fun overall than anything else, wont say any names.
Most will know who they are and they all had dealings with me at some point either allies or enemies

:pro: afterall :p


It was the most conspiracy filled server along with of lies and propaganda I have played.

Yah, and it was my first exposure to the conspiracies, lies and intrigues of the game .. a real eye opener


aha this is alsome to read i am ray93 the main problem with riot was that we were big but were in a dead ocean, noone who really wanted to lead the alliance we all just wanted to kill and then a few bad calls as the main and best eaders left and left the main aggressors such as me,Lord leif and cgnote to try and run it. the fact is we were all about abp and geting bigger but most of the alliance were wanting to play safe and were not willing to get involved and were just there for the ride if we were in with DEB would have been much more different as from the outside and the few days i stayed in that alliance without deciding school was more important was that you guys had one of the est leaders in Gokilla and Cyprus. These are the best leaders i have seen in any game like this and would like to say well done to them


Inglorious Basterds - They were never a fan favourite and were the people you always blame and also were labbelled MRAs for a LONG time... Funnily enough I won this world with these awesome ppl.

The funny thing was, that most in our alliance hated the MRA label because it is looked at so negatively. I embraced it. To me it proved that if you were well organized enough, had teamwork, and good teachers, you could take a bunch of noobs and be successful. In fact most of our leaders had little or no previous experience in other worlds. That was a challenge that made Ithaca so much fun!

Ithaca was not my first server and wont be my last but...
It was the most conspiracy filled server along with of lies and propaganda I have played.

In saying that after nearly quitting a few times I made it to the end and continued friendships and made many more throughout the server.

I've heard that from many people. Ithaca did prove that diplomacy, espionage, and counter-espionage actually trumps combat. I had no idea that this would be the case going into this world. It made it both fun and at times extremely stressful.

Mazz, you did an amazing job orchestrating WW for us! That was huge.