Anyone with good memory from early Alpha??


wish I could remember the name.

Umm, you would have likely remembered if it was not overshadowed by me being there:p

Actually there were and are(those still in alpha) some super cool cats in alpha. And I blame them for making me become a grepo addict:eek:


Yeah i'm still about. PoC is very quiet nowdays. Spose they've no reason to stay on.


Was in TW-Shadow at the start of the game if that helps, left for Beta though but if you need to know anything just ask, i remember the bolting demolition well :D When you get to Beta i'd be able to help more :)


Sweet thanks man i will send questions tomorrow sometime and you can answer them for both worlds (what you can remember) if you have time :)

Im hoping to have this done pretty soon.


I remember the Hogs of Destiny!

Run by a pretty cool player too... wish I could remember the name.

Claims were it was the first major MRA of the game..

I was very active on the forums at the start of Gamma, so I know a bunch about the first few worlds. Hogs of Destiny were the biggest MRA I guess, but not the first. They had a really active leader. I joined as a joke and when I didn't go on for 3 days I was sent a message saying I needed to go on actively or I would get kicked. Not your typical MRA I guess.

Royal tigers (paper tigers were nicknamed) were the first in Gamma. I remember Legionreturns? did a newspaper for gamma and did paper cutouts of tiger masks for the alliance :D


Well to make this easier im going to post all my questions here, and whoever wants to can answer them in a PM to me. Please make the subject whatever world you are doing (eg: Alpha, Beta, Gamma etc) The more you include in the answers the more use it will be to me, and if you cant remember certain things its no biggie.

Best personalities??
biggest reputation??
Best fighters??
Worst fighters??
best alliances??
worst alliances??
Interesting alliances??
Different game mechanics?? (Applies to early worlds only)
Any other interesting facts??

PS: The first one is almost complete :D


Best alliance TW
Worst was HoD
Interesting was Orthia to me


I was born in early Alpha. :cool:

Memorable people for me were andrew-pp and eguzon. Doubt they will remember me but i saved andrew on a couple of occasions when he got kicked out of SPARTA, and he had me in his profile as one of his friends until i left the server. :)

i was in SPARTA before and during their merge into ?Orthia?, then almost immediately left to join "The Last of the Spartans" with eguzon and a few other loyal SPARTA members.

I was personally an officer in "Evil Jokers" before joining SPARTA though and had a massive falling out with the rest of the leadership in that alliance, (Ravenheart and ?Scorp something?) when I suggested that a small group of players form an active attacking team. (I know, I was crazy right).

Inevitably I then assisted SPARTA in the destruction of Evil Jokers and they ate their words. :)


Everyone would remember me as Solipicus. Played Alpha in some great alliances which I led and was a part of. Miss the days of Sethius, Commander Shepard, Cocotte, Anarqy, Bristol, Hawesy(original), and many others.
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